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New Land

-A few weeks later-

You were to continue your very boring job of standing next to Arthur as he steered the ship. Why was it boring? He never spoke a word unless he wanted you to get something for him, or to scream an order to Lovino, whose domain was the crow's nest.

Just as soon as you were wondering when you were going to see dry land (for it had been months already), a young man with blond hair and flashy clothing climbed up the elevation where you were standing with the steering Arthur. Casting a quick glance at the Commander, you saw that he clicked his tongue.

"What do you want, Francis?" Arthur hissed, not even turning back.

"Bonjour Arthur! How did you know it was me?" quipped the man named Francis as he stood next to Arthur.

"Your footsteps gave it away, Foolcis," returned Arthur, who was growing more and more annoyed by the second.

"Excellent sense of hearing as always! And I can see that you're still harsh as ever," Francis slapped the Commander's back with a great big laugh.

"What do you want?" Arthur shot a glare at Francis.

"Although it's been a while, I heard that you adopted a little kitten?" Francis purred, putting an arm on the Commander's shoulder.

"I didn't adopt any kitten. If there's anything new on this ship, it's a new recruit who isn't new anymore," Arthur nudged Francis's arm away.

Francis stood quietly for a while, intently staring at Arthur as if expecting something. Arthur didn't respond.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce this new recruit to me?!" Francis demanded after a while.

"I don't want your corrupting influence to taint the young lassie's purity," Arthur, without batting an eyelid, spat.

"Corrupting influence!" Francis gasped dramatically, "I'm wounded!"

"I'm thrilled to hear that," Arthur said with no emotion at all, all the while stealing glances at you.

You found it funny how Francis was so engrossed with Arthur that he didn't even notice you, the topic of discussion. However, you thought too soon.

"Oh! Who could this young lady be?" Francis finally took notice of you and then looked at Arthur, "Well, are you not going to say anything?"

"The woman can speak," Arthur sighed, "Speak up, woman. He is talking to you,"

You introduced yourself to him. When he heard your name, he got ecstatic.

"Ah! A beautiful name fitting for your beautiful face!" he exclaimed.

"Thanks, I guess?" you nodded, smiling brightly.

Arthur saw your smile and was somehow annoyed by it.

"Francis Bonnefoy: that's my name. I'm from France. Its a pleasure to meet you, my dear," he clasped your hand and very respectfully kissed it, making you blush.

Arthur got more annoyed.

"The pleasure is mine," you nodded, smiling gently.

"Oh! What a beautiful voice you have. It's far more beautiful than the nightingale's,"

"Thank you, " you smiled again, flattered by the compliments.

"You're full of surprises, my dear! Look at your smile," he swooned, "It's more radiant than the Sun!"

Arthur grew more and more annoyed.

"Okay, that's enough, Bonnefoy." Arthur grabbed Francis by the collar and yanked him back.

"Commander, your reaction tells me that you're jealous," Francis remarked with a small smirk.

"Jealous? Because of this wretched woman? In your dreams!" Arthur glared at Francis, tightening his grip on the collar.

"Anyway, allow me to have one last word with her before I go." the Frenchman requested.

"By all means." Arthur sighed, letting him go.

"Forgive me if this makes you fly into a rage," he mumbled to himself and then turned to you.

"My dear," He smiled sweetly, clasping your hand yet again, "I would like to get to know you better. May I invite you to my room tonight?"

You blinked twice in surprise.

Arthur snapped.

"Francis Bonnefoy," Arthur grabbed the Frenchman's collar from behind yet again, "She may be a wretch, but that gives you no excuse to say such things!"

That being said, Arthur tightened his grip on the man's collar, grabbed firmly on his belt, and with a grunt, the Frenchman was lifted up and tossed in the air and into the ocean.

"Any more of your crap and you will be Swiss cheese!" Arthur yelled at Francis, who was struggling to keep his head above the water.

Although it was unfortunate on Francis' part, you were amazed at the amount of brute strength that the Commander had.

"Commander, don't you think it was a little too much?" you asked, leaning over the rails and watching the other crew members save Francis.

"No, it was not," Arthur firmly disagreed as he moved to the steering wheel and held it, "It was highly disrespectful on his part to say such a thing. I do not condone such behaviour and punishment had to be given."

You remained quiet. It was surprising to see Arthur behave like that. You really thought he would not mind Francis' invitation but his reaction turned out to be the opposite.

It got you wondering for the rest of the day.

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