Chapter 20: Minty Fresh!

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*Ashton's POV*

I rushed down the corridor to meet May, skidding round the corner I see her tall frame waiting by her locker. She was chewing her jacket sleeve, indicating she was nervous, something i had picked up after spending time with her.

'Hey baby' I say, pulling her in for a hug. 'Sorry i'm late, my maths teacher kept us all back' I say, placing a kiss on her lips.

'Its okay, I just dont want to be late!' She says, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the school gates. 

We pile in my car as I drive in the direction of the airport.

'It'll be okay, w'll make it' I say, although she doesn't look great.

'Ashton pull over quick!' May says, I panic and pull over, May jumps out and is sick on the side of the road. I jump out of the car.

'May are you okay?' I panic, pulling her into my chest.

'Yeah, It's that time of the month and I get it really bad, let's go' She smiles weakly up to me.

'you sure you're okay? I can drop you at home and bring Victoria to you?' I ask, she really didn't look well.

'No seriously, I feel better now' She says, getting in the car.

I jump in the other side and reach in my bag, I pull out my jacket and a lucozade i had bought earlier.

'Here have this' I passed her the things, she smiled, taking them. 

'Does your belly hurt?' I ask

'Yeah, but i'll be fine' she smiles, i wasn't entirely sure, but I knew May wouldn't admit feeling ill. We finally reached the airport and I hopped out, jogging to the otherside of the car to meet May. I took my hand in hers and kissed her quickly. 

'Your lips taste of cherries' I laugh

'Yours taste of you' She hits my shoulder playfully.

'And what do i taste like exactly?' Bit of a weird question, but it needed to be asked.

'I dont know, you have your own taste' May laughs, pulling me in for a side hug.

'You taste of mint usually' I smile down at her.

She puts a piece of gum in her mouth

'Maybe because i'm always chewing gum' she winks, before kissing me once again. 

'Minty fresh!' I giggle, before we fast walk into the airport.

'Flight 745 from London Heathrow has just landed, passengers will be coming out of gate number 5, thankyou' A voice rings around the massive building. 

We sprint to the gate and just reach the congregation of people waiting before the passengers. May lets go of my hand and sprints up to a short girl hauling a suitcase. She pulls her in for a tight hug, I walk slowly over to join them.

'I've missed you so much!' May says

'I've missed you too' Victoria says, she pulls away, May sniffs.

'Are you crying?' Victoria giggles.

'Yeah, I cant believe how much i've missed you!' May laughs, wiping her tears.

'Oh and Toria, This is Ashton, Ashton this is Toria' May smiles at us.

'Wow, I feel short' Victoria laughs.

'Because you are' May winks.

'Hey Toria' I say awkwardly.

'oh hey Ashton!' Victoria laughs

Unpredictable - Ashton Irwin / 5SOS FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now