An Odd Surprise

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1993 Neverland

Michael had woke up with a small smile on his face. Quite a rarity for that to happen these days.

He slowly walked around his home in his robe and decided to go for a walk outside sine the weather was nice.

As usual he headed for the Giving Tree. His usual sanctuary for peace and songwriting. But something was different this time. He stopped dead in his tracks at what he saw.

He was staring at a beautiful white Arabian horse, sleeping under the Giving Tree. He had wondered how it had got there at first, and secondly, why it was just lying there.

He slowly made his way to the horse and got on his knees, closer to the majestic being. It looked like it had been running for a long time then just collapsed in the night.

Suddenly, it's eyes flew open and stared right at him. He was taken aback by the magical beauty of it's big, sky blue eyes. It didn't seem like it was startled, just tired and a bit curious.

He gently put his hand on it's neck and stroked it carefully. It seemed soothed as it's eyes slid shut, taking a deep breath to relax.

Michael was surprised at how gentle and calm it was. He stood up and went back toward the house to call a vet, knowing that the horse was in need of help.

About an hour later the vet showed up and Michael led him to the tired horse. He left him with the horse so that he could concentrate.

Later the vet returned and explained to Michael the condition of the horse.

"Well, first off it's female. Second she seems to have been running for what seems like years!! Which is highly impossible for a horse of that stature. But she seems to have been going for a long time, nonstop. Result is, her legs are very strained. She had to of collapsed last night from exhaustion and lack of food. I suggest you watch her for awhile, and make sure she stays off of her legs as much as possible. Good day, Mr. Jackson." The vet said and left afterwards.

Michael was pondering over what he had said. Running for years? He thought to himself. Impossible.

He just shrugged it off and headed back out to the horse. She was still lying there, the only thing that was moving was the rise and fall of her large chest.

"Now what should I name you??" He asked mainly himself. The horse looked up at him with curiosity.

"I guess you are interested, yes??" He said to her chuckling.

She made a little nay, agreeing in her own way. He lifted up his hand slightly, but hesitated a bit. He wondered if she would let him pet her nose or not.

She seemed to have sensed his slight fear and slowly put her nose in his hand and closed her eyes. He was astonished at the amazing behavior of this horse. He had never witnessed anything like it before.

Of course, he had had horses before, but none like this. He sighed out of relief and started patting her nose as he brushed her mane off her face.

"And I thought that you were going to hurt me.." He said.

"You're such a beautiful being. I am going to take good care of you. I promise...."

He kissed the tip of her nose, she raised her head and looked to the side. Avoiding looking at him. It seemed that she was embarrassed.

"A horse, embarrassed?? Man, even horses get shy around me!!" Michael said a little confused but amused by the actions of the horse.

"Now, back to that name..." He pondered for a few moments, while she looked at him intently.

He snapped his fingers, "Saronia!!" He exclaimed happily.

"You are my Saronia." He said as he petted her. "Now, lets get you to the barn."

He eased her onto her hooves, she stumbled a bit but then stood tall, hovering over Michael. "Wow.." He said in amazement.

She was a very gorgeous horse. Solid white, with a little black on her nose, long white mane and tail. Flowing, yet slightly curly hair. Thick neck, broad shoulders, and muscular legs. And big blue eyes with long eyelashes.

A horse like this would cost upwards of 20,000 dollars!! And the thought that he had found her on his property thrilled him.

He led her to the stables, where she followed his every order. She walked into her stall and turned around to face him.

"Here's a treat before I go." He said as he handed her an apple.

She took it carefully from his hand, making sure that she didn't nip him any.

"Now, you need to lie down and rest. Vet's orders." He said to her.

He didn't expect her to listen, but right when he said that she laid down and closed her eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.

He thought that he was dreaming because of how obedient this horse was.

"I will come and check on you later, Saronia." He whispered and closed the door to the barn.

What a horse. He thought to himself.

He walked back to the main house, now smiling widely.

Little did he know what kind of mysteries were now lying in that barn........

The Horse Of Neverland (Michael Jackson Love/Mystery Story)Where stories live. Discover now