(2) Adam's P.O.V

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She looked absolutely astonishing, I was so happy to call her mine. Alaska, that name was like a whirl pool of emotions to me whenever I heard it. I wasn't such of a mall person, but I did this for her, for our 2 year anniversary. I wanted to make her my wife, my everything so quickly. But I prefer her finishing school and I finishing collage before we think of that.

We finally got to the mall, ugh how annoying it was here, but I'd come any time she wanted. Hopefully I'll get to shop too.

"We're here"! she said with excitement, something I loved hearing in her voice.

I nodded, "where do you wanna go first"? I asked her. "Movies" she said with a smile. She grabbed my hand & I felt infinite. We walked to the back of the mall where the movie theater was. "I'll get the tickets, you get the food babe" I said. She said OK and I kissed her on her forehead.

I was finally at the front of the line, which felt like forever. "Can I get two tickets to see The Great Gatsby"?

"That'd be 26 dollars sir" the lady said. I gave her the money then went looking for Alaska. I found her at the arcade room. She was such a kid at heart, I loved it. I covered her eyes with my hands, "Guess who"? I whispered in her ear.

"A psycho killer" she said sarcastically. I kissed her on her cheek, "I'll be anything you want babe" I said to her.

We got out of the arcade and started walking towards the theater. The guard asked to see our tickets and we showed them. He let us in earlier then others, so we got the best seats, the bottom ones. I love these because they lean back, perfect place to watch a movie.

"I got us the usual babe". The usual for us is a large popcorn, nachos & a mega large soda. We would mix Sprite & Coke together.

She smiled as she held my hand tightly. The movie wouldn't be starting for at least 10 minutes, 10 minutes I could spend gazing into her eyes. They were simple but they told a story, a story no one else could understand but me. It showed happiness, sadness, curiosity & all these other things that I couldn't explain.

She saw that I was in a daze, she jabbed my cheek to get me out of it."I hate when you go off & stare like that, it's creepy". She sounded like a little kid, I took her in & hugged her tight. I put my arm over her & grab for some popcorn. "Aadddaaammm" she said in a naggy tone, "you know if you start eating the popcorn now there will be non left when the movie starts". As always she was right about that so i only took one & saved the rest for later.

The movie was starting and we were all snuggled but I just felt something wrong in my stomach. BAM! , something loud and heavy dropped and there were screams everywhere. Then smoke came and everything was blurry. The fire alarm was pulled and I held Alaska tight, she was shaking in my arms. "Adam, Adam what's happening", she cried in a litte girls voice. "Don't worry babe, I got ya", I said to reasure her she was safe.

Probably some dumb kids trying to have some stupid fun, I thought to myself.

I pulled her along as we followed the long line of people trying to get out of the theater I held her tight just so she'd be sure that she was safe again.

We finally got out of what seemed to be a maze of smoke and people. Everything felt fine, till I looked at my arms and realised that Alaska wasn't there.

"ALASKA! BABY WHERE ARE YOU!" My eyes began to water. Oh God no, did I just loose the most important thing in my life.

I finally see her, crying looking terrified like she had just seen a ghost. She was hyperventilating, she always does this when we're in tight places.

"Baby what's wrong!" I asked her as I held her in my arms. She pulled away and looked at me. She handed me a envelope that had a picture in it. It was a picture of her walking home.

On the back of that picture it said, 'I've been watching'.


Chapter 2 complete


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