Tears and mixed feelings

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Nagisa POV-

I slump my head back on my pillow and let out a sigh. Empty soda cans, chip bags, and candy wrapper litter my floor. I tend to stress eat a lot...
I wanted to forget the feelings
I wish I didn't love him.. It makes things so much more complicated
Rei-chan.. The way his eyes sparkle when he smiles, the way his nose wrinkles when he laughs, the way his hair perfectly frames his face..
"Why rei chan? Why do you make me feel this way!"
I shout and punch my pillow angrily. Makoto, Haru, and Rei would be wondering why I didn't show up to school or swim practice. I didn't care though, I couldn't look at Rei without wanting to smash my lips on his.
I hear a voice shout and banging on my door
My eyes were all red puffy from crying, but I got up and opened my door anyway.
Outside Makoto, Rei, and Haru stood on my porch, concern on their faces
" Nagisa? What happened are you alright?"
Rei said with plain confusion on his face. All three barged past me and sat me down on the couch.
My heart was being a thousand times a minute. I wanted to latch onto Rei and tell him how I felt, but I couldn't. So I just sat there in complete silence.
"I'm fine guys, really, I'm just sick that's all" I fake a smile and try to stop sagging my shoulders.
"Are- are you sure? We were all worried about you! You know you can tell us anything, right?" Makoto looks at me
"Yeah I know! I promise nothing is wrong" I smile again

Little did they know, everything was falling apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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