Lian Yu

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"What? Explain that again!" Barry demands, sitting in the on the beach of the island with Cisco, Caitlin' Felicity and Oliver sat next to him in a circle. They'd been searching for him on the island for a few hours.

"Dude I've already explained it five times, how do you still not get it?" Cisco questioned.

"I get it! I'm just finding it hard to realise... Why didn't you find this out earlier?" Barry raged, knocking over the mini sand castle Cisco had been building while they'd been talking.

"I don't know dude. But can we worry about questions later cause right now there's a girl back in Central City who literally needs you!" Cisco said, trying to stay calm even though Barry had just smashed down his little castle.

"Yeah, let's go". And with that Barry got up and raced off the island into the horizon.

"You know we could of gave you a ride home" Felicity called after him, "it's really rude to keep running away from people like that!"

"OK one, even if his in a happy mood he'd still probably race off like that, and two he can't hear!" Cisco said sarcastically to Felicity while the four of them made their way back to where they had landed the jet in a small desert clearing in the middle of the island.

Two and a half minutes later.

Barry arrives back at Star Labs, obviously well before Caitlin, Cisco, Felicity, and Oliver.

"Hey Barry, good to see you again buddy" Diggle says, patting Barry on the back as he walks into the lab.

"Thanks Diggle. Quick question... Why is Effy on the roof?" Barry questions.

"Long story, but basically she some how managed to blow a hole in it, so Cisco made her fix it. She's been up there for like four hours, not including her keep coming out to hardware stores to get more materials and secretly going into CC Jitters for a coffee, and the roof still looks the same, big hole in it. I'm telling ya man she's useless!" Diggle explains to Barry as they walk over to a desk to sit down at as they wait for the others to return.

"You can say that again" Barry giggled. He looked over to where Lizzie lay in her bed. Sebastian was now laying beside her on the bed. He must of jumped up there himself. Barry stares at Lizzie for a moment, and his sure he just sure her little right finger twitch a tiny bit.

In A HeartBeat (The Flash fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now