Introductions: I'm Cat!

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"Cat!!" Bambam screeched. I jumped. Bambam ran into my room which I shared with JB sometimes. Otherwise it was basically just mine."What did you do?!" He asked. "The water in the bathroom won't turn off!!" I averted his gaze and said, "I'm just an twelve year old girl... What could I have done?" Another scream. From Jackson. "Caaaaaat!! What did you do?!" I smiled nervously. JB came into the room, the bottom half of his shorts soaked. "Explain." He growled.

Hi! My name is Cat. I'm GOT7's... Uh... I don't know. Extended, non-related, family? Yeah. Anyway. Moving on. This was just one example of what normally goes on around the place when I'm bored. Otherwise, all is right in the world. I think.

"Cat!" I snapped my head up. JB motioned for me to get closer. I frowned slightly. "Wat." I said. I was a little nervous because he could be a scary person when he's mad, and for all I know he's gone through my tests... "Isn't Young-ja having a party at her house on Friday?" He asked. I nodded. "Can I go?" At that exact same moment, Mark and Jackson made their way into the room. "Hey, Cat." Jackson said. I waved at him. JB sighed. "No." He said. What?! "Why not?" I cried. He held up my most recent test...

"76% and no work shown. Do you think I should let you go?" I slowly turn my head. Mark and I locked gazes. I begged for help with my eyes. He shrugged as if to say, What can I do? I turned back to JB who was still staring at me. "Fine. Then I won't go." I muttered, right as Bambam and Yugyeom came busting in. Mostly Yugyeom. "I heard that Cat's going to a party!" Bambam cheered.

"Was." I corrected him. Bambam's face fell. "Oh." JB waved me away and I went back to the kitchen.

"NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I WAS SO LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING HER AGAAAAAAIN." I screamed into a pillow that I nabbed off the sofa. Mark laughed. "Did you even study, because it should be harder to fail than succeed if you did." I threw the pillow at him. "Shut up, jerk!" I pouted. Jackson came along and rubbed my head. "Hey, perk up. You're going to our Weekly Idol thing tomorrow right?" He asked. I nodded, still pouting. "Well, I talked to our manager and since you help out so much around the place, you might be able to go on the show with us." This made me jump up in happiness. "Really?! Awesome!" He smiled and watch me bounce off to Bambam, who also knew about it. I pretty much crushed Bambam when I jumped on him. "Naaa, Cat, stop!" He cried. "Awesome! Ha, I'm gonna be on TV!" JB leaned in the doorway, staring at me. "Fine. Just make sure hat what you wear matches what we wear since we're going to be on TV." He said, then left. I beamed.

I'm gonna be on TV!

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