Chapter Ten

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Marceline Phelan

"Is the hot chocolate any good?" Harper asked, looking up at the menu again.

"I just drink the mango smoothie," I replied with a shrug.

"Smoothie all the time?" I nodded. "At a cafe, where they sell coffee?" I nodded again.

"Weird," she concluded, turning back to study the menu.

"Teddy just texted me," she stated, searching her purse for her phone.

"How do you know its Teddy?" I asked her.

"I just know," she said confidently. She finally seem to find her iPhone and she pulled it out. A small triumphant smile covered her face when she unlocked her phone.

She held it close to my face. I read 'Babe, you have classes today. My mom stopped by with my great aunt Carol, so I can't teach today. Have a great day, I'm taking you to dinner tonight, remember to wear that red dress and that hot black-'

"Don't read the last part!" She ordered pulling the phone back. Her cheeks turned a light shade of red.

"I didn't," I stated whilst fighting a guilty smile.

"I'm just going to get the hot chocolate," she shrugged and turned back to the girl taking her order.

The girl handed Harper her coffee and she smiled when Harper told her too keep the change. "Come on," she said not waiting for me to follow. She just started walking back outside.

"But I have too buy Vivian a birthday present!" I whined as I tried catching up to her.

"I have to teach a class at the studio down the street," she announced looking right then left before crossing over the street.

"What do you teach?" I asked her.

"Self defense," she stated and left me frowning as she walked faster to her studio. She stopped when she noticed I wasn't following.

"Are you coming?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but you really teach self defense?" I asked her. She chuckled.

"Yeah I do," she confirmed. I nodded.

"So," I started. "Can you teach me how to ram somebody's nose up their brain?"

She laughed.


"I can teach you how to kick someone's nose up their brain," she offered.

"Awesome!" I cheered and ran the rest of the way to the studio.


"That was really cool," I said after we were standing outside her studio.

"I'm sorry I can't help you buy your friend that present," she frowned sadly.

"It's okay," I waved my hand dismissively.

"Call me if you need anything," she waved goodbye and we parted ways.

I remembered one time when Vivian told me about this new painter from Italy that painted really cool nature scenes. Her favorite was the blue violet fields. So I looked up Cosmo Di Florenzo Denver and found a place where you can buy paintings. I dialed the number I found on the website. It rang and rang and finally when I wanted to just hang up, a lady picked up. "Clarinda's Store of Art," her voice said from the other line.

"Err yes, I saw on your website that you are selling Cosmo Di Florenzo paintings and I was interested in buying one," I stated pacing the room.

"Oh yes, he's new! We have three paintings by him that we got a month ago. Do you have a specific painting you are interested in?" She asked.

"Yes, I am actually interested in the blue violet fields painting," I replied.

"I think we have that one. When do you need the painting?" The lady asked.

"By tomorrow for a friend's birthday, but I can come get it today," I answered stopping to look at 'Dori' my new fish. Pablito died a couple of days ago. May he rest in peace, amen.

"Marvelous, I'll have it ready by three o'clock this afternoon, is that alright Miss...?" She trailed off not knowing my name.

"Marceline and yes that's fine," I said, throwing bits of fish food in Dori's aquarium.

"Okay Miss Marceline, I'll see you later, goodbye," she said in a cheery a high pitched almost forced tone.



"It's awesome!" I said as I held the painting in my hand. It was almost half of my size and the blue was radiating. It was a really bright shade of blue that popped out and was visible from afar. The painting had so many details and it was just so cool.

I paid the lady and walked with the covered painting to Karla, my car. I had a smile on my face. I hope this makes Vivian's day.

I did my daily routine, which is wake up see what's on TV and if there's nothing good on, I order some movie on netflix. Some days when I was feeling less lazy I would head down to Thunderstorm ink. It was looking really good. It was like an old sixties vintage team with posters of Elvis Presley here and there. I loved this place.

I was getting ready to head over to Vivian's party. It didn't consist of many people. Usually just us and family members. The painting was already safely in my car.

I was wearing a dark blue colored skinny jeans and a white button up blouse. I combined with red flats and my hair was left open and had soft curls. I didn't really want to dress up, not today.

I grabbed my keys and hurried outside. Texting Jayceline that I would be leaving and to lock the doors. She was staying with me cause Zeke didn't know where I lived, unless he stalked me.

I got in an checked my make up one more time before I started Karla and pulled out of my drive way. I drummed my fingers to a Lady Gaga song. I didn't really remember Vivian's address but I would try to.

After twenty minutes of driving pointlessly around the same neighborhood, I finally recognized the house.

I got out and made sure the painting made it out of the car safely. Phew. I fixed my shirt and walked up to the front door. I trained my big 'happy birthday' smile.I'm not good with people. So when the door opened I made sure my eyes were smiling to, making it seem genuine. "Happy Birthday Vivvy!" I exclaimed, she smiled brightly and threw her arms around me.

"Look what I got you," I said as soon as she pulled away. I held the painting in front of her that was still covered by the white cloth.

"Is it a mirror?" She asked still eying the painting.

"Try again," I said to her and she paused to think.

"A flat screen TV?" She asked her eyes going wide.

"Why don't you just pull the white cloth off?" I suggested, she smiled sheepishly and with a swift move she pulled it off.

Her mouth was open and she was staring at the painting with admiration in her eyes. "It's- its what I wanted. Oh Marcie its perfect," she said throwing her arms around me, being careful not to ruin the painting by anything.

"But it still means a lot to me. It means you actually listen when I talk," she actually had tears in her eyes.

"You're one of my closest friends," I stated smiling faintly. She nodded and gestured for me to come in.

I walked in her house, well her parents house, and immediately my cheeks were attacked by her mom. "It's so nice to see you, darling," she greeted me.

I gave a small wave and a smile to the others. "You made it," Wyatt said as he walked up to me.

"Mrs. Allen makes the best cakes," I stated and smiled a little when he chuckled.

"What did you get her?" I asked him.

"A macbook," he replied shrugging a little.

"Cool," I replied nodding slowly.

Everyone was either talking or fixing something to drink or doing both. I heard the door bell ring and turned around to see if anyone else did too. I guess not, because everyone proceeded to talk. I sighed and made my way to the door. I opened in and there stood Serenity. In a pink pencil skirt and a pink matching blazer, with expensive shades and red lips. "Hi Marceline, I just came back from a meeting. You know with my new clothing line and everything," she shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Come on in," I held the door wider for her to come in.

"You're a doll," she smiled patting my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door shut. My eyes roamed the room for a familiar pair of blue ones. Finally I saw broad shoulders. He turned just in time to see me staring. My eyes widened still paralyzed, not being able to pull away from his. His cold blue eyes softened a bit but never did he show signs of a smile. That bastard.

He snapped his eyes away from mine and turned back to talk to one of Vivian's cousins. It was like God wanted me to be the door lady today, because the door bell rang again. I sighed and made my way again towards the door.

I was surprised at who was at the door. An old man that looked to be in his mid sixties. "Hi," I said awkwardly.

"Does Vivian live here?" he asked.

"Yeah, she does," I answered. Turning around to say, "Viv, your granddad is here!"

I smiled one more time at the before Vivvy ran to him, just like last time she through her hands around his neck.

'Oh wow, what a nice reunion.' Was my first thought until Vivian kissed her grandpa, on the mouth. What the hell? I made a face at how his hands were dangerously close to her bum. I turned to see everyone stop and stare in confusion just like me. "Guys," Vivian started to say. "This is Finley, my boyfriend."

And the world just got ten times more confusing. While the whole room was standing gaping at the two, I made a drink. "When were you planning on telling us you are dating Finley, hon?" Mrs. Allen finally broke the silence. She had a smile on her face that even Billy from Billy and Mandy, would know its fake and Billy was the definition of stupid.

The crowd was looking between Mrs. Allen and Vivvy. I smiled at myself, thank you God I decided to come today. This is hilariously good.

"Today, that's why I invited him," Vivian smiled like there wasn't a care in the world.

Easton was on my right and Wyatt on my left. "He's older than her mother and father put together," I whispered. Easton chuckled.

"You should ask him if he knew Abraham," Easton joked covering his mouth so he wouldn't laugh at his own joke. I bit my tongue also.

"I bet you he held the ten commandments when Moses needed to use the restroom," I said and both me nor Easton could hold our laughter. We barked out laughing at the same time making people turn around to look at us.

Wyatt like always shot us a disapproving look whilst Serenity tried to keep her cool and tried not to burst out laughing with us. Jerome was lightly staring at us with hard eyes. Vivvy moved Finley to the side and her parents came over to talk.

Everyone else seemed to move on with the party. So I made my may to the self service bar to take a sprite. I saw Jerome standing with one of Vivian's uncle's young daughter. She looked eighteen. She was giggling and standing a little too close. I scoffed and downed my drink, making a face when the sprite tickled down my throat. I made up my mind to go have a friendly talk with Jerome. We are in fact still mates so mates talk.

"Oi, mate!" I greeted him and threw my arm around his shoulder. It looked weird because he was taller.

"Do you know her?" The girl he's been talking to asked.

He glared at me and removed my arm. "Never saw her before in my life," he replied moving away from me as if I head a raging disease.

"He's just sore about the certain subject," I said dismissing his comment.

"What sore subject?" She asked looking between me and Jerome.

"Well its a funny story. You see this guy liked me," I said pinting at Jerome.  "and you know I was confused because he's a slut-"

"I'm not a slut!" He cut me off to protest. The way he said it made it sound like sloth.

"You kind of are, Jer," I turned around to look at him. "Any who so he confesses- AAHH!"

"Okay thank you for stopping by," he said after he shoved a cheese ball in my mouth. I spat it out without any use of my hands and it went flying back on the plate. Right then I recognized a boy that was Vivian's small cousin walk up and take the same cheese ball. He didn't spare the cheese ball a glance and put it in his mouth.

Unlucky fellow. I shuddered and turned back to the pair.

I wiped my mouth, "don't be that way towards the girl who you used to like."

"You used to like her?" The girl asked, crossing her arms.

"No, I don't like psychos!" He protested.

I smirked. "You kissed this psycho without complaining," I added knowing perfectly well I'm making this way worse for him.

"You guys were a thing?" She asked her eyes widening.

"Almost," I said at the same time Jerome said no.

"I deserve an explanation!" The girl demanded.

I mimicked her stance and crossed my arms also. "Yeah Jerome, she deserves an explanation," I said tauntingly, smirking as he shot daggers at me.

"I don't like you."

"That's not what you said the other day," I replied playing with a strand of my hair.

"I'm going!" The girl finally snapped.

"No, wait Trisha!" Jerome called after her. She turned around and glared.

"My name is Trina!" She shrieked before she stomped away.

I turned to look at him, a small satisfied smile on my face. I got to piss off Jerome and it felt bloody good. "Tsk tsk tsk. You ruined it with the last part all on your own. At least try to remember their names," I said chuckling a little.

"I hate you," he replied instead.

"The feeling is mutual," I retorted.

"Do you have a kick out of seeing me suffer or something?!" He snapped.

I rolled my eyes. "No, but now I know how fun it is. I should try it more often," I shrugged my shoulders.

"You want to know something?" he said stepping closer. He was so close our breaths were mixing.

"What?" I asked in the same menacing tone.

"Your arse looks really good in those pants!" He said, pronouncing the really extra hard.

I gasped and stepped away. "You jerk, don't look at it!" I shrieked.

Jerome Land went there. He crossed over no man's land.

He laughed his evil laugh. "I know your weak points, Marcie," he winked far from a romantic wink. more of a 'watch your back, cause I'm the evil lord coming for you' kind of wink.

I glared at him and watched him head over to a table full of girls. I'll get you Casanova and your boyish good looks too! I mimicked the wicked witch of the west in my head.

"I thought you two were gonna kiss and make up," Wyatt said after I came back to the food stand.

"I prefer eating Dracula shit!" I retorted, scrunching my face up in disgust at my own words.

Wyatt was surprised by my answer but nodded slowly after. He went to took a cheese ball but I held his hand before he could grab another one. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," I said.

His eyebrows pulled together. "Why not?" He questioned.

"Weird people actually spit back their cheese ball and it lands back in on the same plate," I stated.

He still looked confused and slightly grossed out, "I can't imagine what kind of disgusting person would do that."

I shook my head, "Me neither, Wyatt, me neither. There are some sicko's out there."


"I'm not allowed to eat cake," Easton said.

"Isn't that like your third?" I asked him.

"Just don't tell Renny!" He pleaded sticking a fork full of chocolate cake in his mouth.


I saw Jerome talking to another girl. I smirked. "Remember not to forget this one's name," I warned him. He shot me another one of his evil stares.

"What?" The girl asked eying Jerome for an answer.

"Yeah, he has short memory loss. When you're going at it in the closet, he'd be screaming Becky while you're real name is Jacky," I stated adding a shrug.

"Is that true?" She asked looking up at Jerome.

"It is, he forgot my name!" The girl Trina said making her way forward.

"See, I don't lie," I replied smugly.

The girl gasped and frowned. "I can't believe you!" She cried out before she ran to the bathroom.

"You bitch!" Jerome screamed in my face.

"You know its true, dickhead!" I shouted back.

Nothing and I repeat nothing has ever prepared me for this. I got straight up smacked by chocolate cake on my face. I stood there hearing people gasp and murmur. I chuckled but it wasn't even funny. "You wanna play dirty, Jer? We'll play dirty," I said picking up a slice of cake from Easton.

"My cake!" He protested.

"You were eating cake, babe?!" Serenity asked as she stared at him.

"Did I say cake, I meant snake," he replied sheepishly.

I didn't listen to anything they said and just threw it right back at his face. And boy did it feel good.

He stood there his mouth open, his face covered in chocolate goodness. "Ha ha!" I sneered. "I got you, I got y- ow!"

I got hit right in the middle of my forehead that was covered in chocolate with yet another cheese ball. "It's bloody war now, Land!" I let out a battle cry and grabbed the deviled eggs. I was throwing them at him whilst I ducked under a table.

"Eat crackers with expensive crab!" He shouted throwing a bunch of crackers at me. I ducked a couple and some got in my hair.

I gasped overly dramatically loud. "One went under my blouse you man whore!" I yelled throwing the last of my deviled eggs furiously on him.

Women were covering their kids' ears and they were fleeing the scene pretty fast. I was out far from the reach of any cheese balls and my deviled eggs were finished and Jerome knew it. He got up from under his hiding table and started throwing crab crackers. The closer he got, the more I started to panic.

I glanced around for anything I could throw. The sushi rolls were too far away. My eyes than landed on the cake. The big chocolate cake but that was going a little too far with it. I was still thinking when I was hit directly on my chest with a California roll.

That's it. I got up and with one swift move the cake went flying. Everything was moving in slow motion. I saw the perfect cake go BOOM and on Jerome. The impact of the cake was so massive, he took a couple of steps back.

"I got you! Ha ha. Who's laughing now huh? That's right bee-yotch, Marceline won this battle! Hell yeah mother fucker!" I cheered running around screaming.

I was so busy celebrating I didn't notice Jerome got up and was now standing two feet away from me. I didn't have time to react, everything was back in slow motion. You could here my manly deep voice scream "NOOOOOO!". Just when he launched a big chunk of cake in my direction.

When the cake fell I know for sure my blouse was going to be stained. Just like Jerome I stepped back a couple of steps, landing half of my body on the table I was hiding under.

"I've been shot! I've been shot!" I cried out holding on to my chest.

Only thing I saw next was Jerome smirking above me, "I won this battle huh Marcie?"

Damn you, Jerome. Damn you!


A/N: I updated today instead! Yay. I just added a couple of stuff. I hope you liked it.

I decided to instead of putting a song, I'd put a video. So this video is one of my favorite and I think its really hilarious. This is Janoskians- How to get a girl to like you.

They are funny and super cute! Check them out.

Picture of Marceline on the side.

While you're waiting for the new chapter of Rich Kids check, 'Writing Down Love' which consists of the prologue and chapter 1.

Here's the link:

Happy reading and have a good night!

-Gemey xx

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