Chapter 7:Riley Jones

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When dinner is over Robin and Killian were persuaded by their girlfriends to stay. Emma decided to stay too since she has clothes already at her best friends house. Before every leaves Aurora talk to them "they are in danger and they are my best friends. Watch them please". The boys had agreed to take care of them.

Killian and Emma are sitting in bed. Emma wearing black sports shorts and a tank while Killian is in the boxers and a tank. Sitting up enjoying the silent peace between them Emma says "Who did you lose?" Killian's eye grow wide.

"No one." He says trying to avoid his daughter. She turns and moves his head with her right hand "Killian please tell me." He sighs and starts "Her name was um Riley... Her mother my ex girlfriend died during childbirth... One day Riley and I were at the park and I heard her scream... I looked up and she was gone..."

*8 Months ago a few days after Riley's gone missing*
Killian was sitting at his desk looking at a picture of Riley playing soccer. She is so good. Then  Killian gets a call. He answer and hear "Daddy?" It's Riley. "Riley!" He says. Ursula gets started in trying to get the location of Killian's call. "Hello Agent Jones. I just wanted you to hear your daughter voice for the last time." He hears Riley start screaming. "Stop I scared of fire!" She screams. "Stop please." Killian pleads for the life of his child. The line goes dead. Ursula shakes her head meaning  him know she couldn't get a location because of how many towers it as bouncing off of.

Killian shout and leaves work. Once in his car he cries.

The next few days were horrible then they got a call of a burned body at a park placed on a swing. Not a park the park Riley was last seen. Killian couldn't dare go so Robin did for him and confirmed it was Riley.

A part of Killian died that day... The part that was possible of love. Or so he thought.

"... A few days later a got a call from the Terrorist and the burned her alive while  I was on the phone then dumped her body on a park swing days later." Killian finishes with tears falling from his eyes. Emma crying too wipes his tears away.

She says nothing only pulls him into a hug that he takes. She rubs her hand on his neck trying to calm him down but her heart was breaking.

Regina and Robin both laying down unaware of the tears being shed in the room down the hall. They look up at the ceiling. Robin grabs Regina's hand and she smiles at the comfort and how natural this felt for her. Her black silk night bottom down shirt with pants. Robin wearing the same as Killian.

Robin rolls over and starts to kiss her neck. She laughs and tilts her head giving him more access. He doesn't plan on going any further. After awhile he stops and sits up and so does she. "So how was today?" She only laughs and pulls him into a kiss. This one a bit more heated then the previous they shared but still full of love. "Perfect. Thank you." She says as she stops kissing him "good Milady" he replies.

Then they both lay back down hand in hand and look at the celling. "So can I drive you home tomorrow so you can get ready for work?" Regina offers. "Great my Love." He says. Then they go into a comfortable silence and Robin still thinking  about their beautiful life ahead but then worrying if THEY will hurt Regina, Regina thinking not of Robin but her Ex... Her past.

The next day Regina puts on Red scrubs and a but of makeup. Emma and Killian left a bit earlier than her and Robin. "Robin are you ready!" She yells from down the stairs "don't rush me woman! I don't just wake up like this like Beyoncé claims!" He calls back. "You are a dork your going to your house to get ready!" She calls back laughing. "Oh I know." He says walking down the stairs. She locks up and leave for Robins.

The ride was silent as in the form of taking but music did play. Once they reach his house they exit Regina's car and make their way to his Brown colored house. "Would you like to come in?" He Robin offers. "I would love to really but I'm going to be late to work." Regina lunges forward and kisses him with alot of heat, passion and lust. Robin hums at the act.

Their tongues dancing while her runs his hands through her hair. She pulls back and says "Point one for Regina." She then pecks his nose and struts off to her car drives away. Robin walks into the house and thinks then remembering the stunt he pulled yesterday while she was cooking dinner. "Damn!" He whispers shouts as he gets ready for work.

He hops in his 2007 white Bugatti Veyron. His drive is smooth as he loves her-his car-to pieces. Killian calls him "Hello mate." Killian greets. "Hey" Robin says. "Robin we can't let Phillip know" Robin and Killian sigh in sync "I know. Did you tell her about Riley." Robin cringes at the memory. "Yeah last night." "Good"

At lunch Regina and Emma were sitting down in the meeting room and then Daniel walks in "Regina why was everyone invited to meet Robin but me?" "Daniel I wanted to do it later."  "No Regina was I embarrassing you. I thought you were my best friend but now that you have a boyfriend you don't need me. Did you tell him about the abortion or the failed marriage." 

Tears slip from Regina eyes as she remembers killing her baby. "No the hell I didn't because it's non of yours or his business. Daniel I wanted you to meet him in person you son of ugh!" Regina runs out the room with tears falling. "Bastard why would you do that! You know she regrets that with all of her heart!" Emma shouts as she runs after her. "Regina!" She calls.

Daniel feeling ashamed of what he did leaves and gets back to work.

"Regina Wait!" Emma calls as she catches up to her. "Emma I killed my child... I can't date him... He's meant to be a dad and thats something I can't give him." She says. Emma pulls her into a hug "Hey he loves you and you can make him a father if that's what you want... I know you want to be a mother so stop looking back on the past please." Emma begs. "I killed my child Emma." She repeats. "Regina please don't do that to yourself." She says. Then everything goes black for them and they drop the ground.

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