Chapter 12:He is my EVERYTHING

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A boy walks in. He is wearing jeans from what they can see. "Hi." He says. Regina still trying to keep Robin awake says "please he needs help." The boy says "I can't your child killers and child killers are evil witches." "Please I'm a doctor... Let me help him." Regina begs.

"I can't I was told not to by papa." The boy sounds no older than 9." "I will be fast I promise I just need to keep him and Phillip from falling asleep." She urges as she sees Phillip and Robin drifting off.

"No baby stay with me. Stay with me Robin!" She says louder. She turns to the boy "please he's going to die if I don't help him. Please let me help him." The boy tilts his head "you love him?" She nods with tears starting to stream. "Yes very much so please let me help him...I can't lose him."

Mal starts shaking Phillip to keep him awake to. Phillip was doing much better than Robin was. Phillip still think about his children was helping him stay awake but Robin was fading fast. "Why can't you lose him?" The boy says again and Regina answer with all honesty "because he is my EVERYTHING. I can't breath without him. I can't live life without him . He is my lover and my fighter and I can't go on without him."

As if it was a test the boy runs off and comes back with keys. He hands them to Regina as she lets go of robins hand and fumbles to find the right one. She tries for about a minute until she come across one with a skull. She tries it and the cell opens. Regina rushes over to robins to unlock it's once she's in she runs over to him.

Robin eyes closed she checks for his pulse. It's slow but going. She rolls him over and takes Phillips jacket. She pressed it on his back to try to stop the bleeding. Then she takes her shirt bottom and wipes his face. She then feels is heart rate become very faint.

She -again- starts to preform CPR. The pushes against his chest imitating a heart beat to try to get his heart to a regular sped. As she's going she says "Robin I need you to stay awake okay? Just focus on my voice and not on the sleep you long for." He only hmmm a response.

She starts to talk about anything to get him to stay awake. "Some things you didn't know about me is that I can be a real pain the ass when I wanna be, I love politics, my mother is a judge and my farther is professor in Maine. I was a senior in high school at the age of 16 because I skipped second and third grade." His heart still not responding she she whispered something in his ear "I love you. I want you to grow old together... I want us to be together forever."

Robin's heart starts to go back to a regular pace. His eyes open as he winces in pain. She caresses his cheek then moves to help Phillip. Mal hands her CIA jacket over and Regina stress to apply pressure to his back stopping the bleeding.

When he is done she kisses his forehead and walks out the cell. She hands the boy back the keys and her locks it. "You are not as bad as papa thinks."

The boy runs off and everyone relaxes for a bit. Regina lays slump on the cement wall. Riley comes over. "Gina when will we get food again?" Riley ask. "I don't know sweetie just hold on."

Hours past of silence. No one talks they just drift off to what no where.

*6 months ago*

"Robin!" Ursula yells. Robin runs up the stairs of and into the technical analysis's office. "What's up love?" She smiles. "I think I found your brother." She says. Robin smiles brightly as he looks on one of the 8 monitors in her office.

"His name is John Stevens. He is single with no kids living in Florida. He owns a Archery school for children. It's inspired by Robin Hood and by what I found he goes by Little John." Ursula explains.

Robin hugs her "thank you love so very much!" He kisses her cheek. "Anything for you baby." She responds. "How can I thank you?" Robin inquiries. She teases and says "well I have some ways that are a bit inappropriate to talk about at work but tonight is our movie night so we can talk about it then." He laughs.

"Your such a flirt milday." Robin gets out between laughs. He leaves her office with a smile on his face.
Happy Halloween Guys!!!!! 💋💋
Lol also Robin didn't hear Regina confess her love and she said it so quietly only she heard it so it's like she never said it at all. So Robin still hasn't gotten her to say it.

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