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"Religion is obscure, you can say you are orthodox but only the father almighty God  knows truly what lives in the heart of men" the almost white man tried explaining why mating should be within the sanctity of marriage, he tried to explain the ritual of his church society, after  he had stroked his fingers between my folds and deep into stimulated natural moist entry, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body the heart core convulsing where his fingers stroked creating a silky wetness and mind blowing sensation peaking, release then aftershocks of my body's spasmodic ripple effect of pleasure. 
His eyes were closed his breathing erratic and his body taut as he took my hand guiding it to his tumid flesh, he groaned as my fingers handled him.

"We must know each other's heart first and not get carried away however enjoyable our petting" that was the words he uttered before he left me, in my lethargy I barely steadied myself to follow and watch him,from the shadow.

The sound of horses, whip and crying children awakened me, to the shock that I had dozed, on my watch, for the first time, "do what you must with them, and when you are finished, leave their carcass for  the black witch to find an let her know they are animals I am their master" it was the voice of a woman ,and the sound of  horse galloping  away and as I located my weapons and prepared my mind to the kill, quickly over rocks and trees I moved, a scream "sons of harlots, it bit me" there was a shot, and the burning rage of fire chilled  in me and I was death incarnate, the cold dark of side of shadow. Rocky hills, descend into a river that forked between mountain of trees and pooling into gullys wetland and foliage of the plain fruit wild fruit  trees and vegetables. In the background the high mountain on one side in the hollow of rocks  I find shelter and stand sentinel.

A child was on the ground beside a patch of pumpkin vines with healthy leaves and buds, Nandi planted the seeds so we would never grow hungry for wants of what the masters would or provides a slave, from my distance I  anchored one arrow on my bow and still going forward with the air I let it loose on the man holding a rope around the neck of  four children, the arrow went through his heart, I loaded again, and it went through the neck of the one holding the smoking gun, my feet  was now firmly on the on the ground, now letting  my bow fall to  the ground I moved, before another with a gun could lift it to fire My spear found its mark, the last one my dagger entered his heart before I removed my spear from the other dead body. My senses alert to hostile presense,two dozen heartbeat, one of the crying frightened child looked at me "shadow" his voice wobbled that was when I felt the burning sensation "run"I told them, they took off, slowly I turned, I saw her sitting on a horse, side saddle, heavy stiff frock, and strangely ridiculous in this wild natural untamed terrain, a fancy hat perched atop perfectly primped hair, she laughed wildly  "well well the savage heathen, your brother told me of you my dear, he was most coorperative after I tried  chemicals I took from my father's labortory on him, a potion to make him reveal all his deep dark secrets, the fool actually believed I would love a slave, an animal" and yet I wondered that she would lay with a being she consider animal,  I look at the small army of men of different race, she had, all pointing guns at me,

"You see he would not speak of you no matter how I tortured him or how much pleasure I gave him, pleasing me" the woman was mad, "I sold him now to my  friend, she desire him but the pox is already marking her so any good will be short lived" I only understand that she hurt my brother to make him talk, a shot rang out and she stiffened then fell off the horse, all the men were too shocked to move for an instant, I took that chance to find and become part of the shadows, I was weak and losing blood, I heard a scream, I saw her, in each hand a machete, she was in front of a man and then she was behind him, severing his head, another scrambled to fire his weapon ,Nandi dodged the shot, and with light speed, she chopped him open across the chest, another one took aim, her body arc through the air, one machete slashing the other chopping down, a whirlwind, an enemy severed hand hang in the trigger bracket, blood, stained another from crotch to stomach before he fell, the horns of war sounded close, and my people came down, some of Nandi's men slip down from wispy vines, decending from trees taking the heads of the cowards scrambling to escape into deep forestry, I lost conciousness,    
"How will she do ?"
"Girl strong" Nandi said quietly answering the question.

I called her Nandi     E Morrison 1-2-3-4-5Where stories live. Discover now