1.02. little games

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Chapter Two

The next morning in Mr. Tanner's history class Elena and Stefan wouldn't take their eyes off each other. After our conversation last night they became closer. I guess I was the third wheel.

"Originally discovered nearly five centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over a hundred and forty five years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration. Are we bothering you Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Gilbert?" Mr. Tanner asks, seeing them stare at each other.

Elena shook her head. The bell rung, dismissing us. I met up with Stefan later.

"Hey Stef," I said, taking a seat on the table next to my brother. He shushed me, trying to listen in on Elena's conversation with Matt.

"Vickie's lucky that she's okay," Elena sighed.

"I know, and now there's talk of some missing campers," Matt informed.

"Did she say what kind of animal it was that attacked her?" Elena asked, concerned.

"She said it was a vampire," Matt let out. My brother's eyes went wide, as well as mine.


"Yeah, she wakes up last night and mutters 'vampire' and then passes out," Matt delivers.

"Okay, that is weird."

"I think she was drunk," Matt replies. "So what's up with you and the new guys?" I can tell he's talking about us. I block out the rest of the conversation.

"Come on, Amelia," Stefan announces. We vamp sped to Mystic Falls hospital. Walking through the hall, I see Matt Donovan. I push Stefan aside, hiding him. Matt enters Vickie's hospital room.

A couple seconds later, I hear Vicki screaming. Matt runs out, yelling for a nurse. Stefan and I run into her room. I grab her by the arms, making sure she can't run. Stefan compels her.

"It was an animal that attacked you. It came out of the night and jumped you. You blacked out. It's all you remember," Stefan says into her eyes.

"It's all I remember," she kept repeating.

Stefan and I walked down the hall, turning a corner. I heard footsteps. Looking back, I saw Matt following us.

"Matt is right behind us," I warned my brother. He looked back and saw the boy, too. I grabbed him by the shirt and forced him into the blood donation room. Veins appeared under our eyes. Shaking away the desire to feed, I opened the nearest window. I pushed Stefan out, then jumped myself.

There was a knock on the door at the Salvatore Boarding House. I walked downstairs, seeing Elena in the living room.

"Stefan?" Elena called out, repeatedly. Damon made a crow fly in the doorway, causing Elena to jump. "I'm sorry for barging in. The door was... open." She looks back to see a shut door.

I walk into the living room. "Ah, Elena," I greet her with a smile.

"I'm Damon, Stefan and Amelia's brother," Damon introduces himself.

"Stefan didn't mention he had a brother."

"Well, Stefan's not one to brag, but Amelia, on the other hand, can't keep her mouth shut. I'm surprised she hasn't told you more," Damon smirked.

"Don't flatter yourself, brother," I scoff. I curved my attention to the doppelganger. "Elena, please come. I'm sure Stefan will be along in a second."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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