Chapter 8

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     Lucy's hand flew to her mouth, hopping to stifle the giggles that were escaping her lips. Gray smirked at her reaction and began telling another joke. Lucy's other hand went to her stomach to somehow remove the forming laughter-cramp. Where did he come up with these jokes? While she loved her friend to death, she felt as though he pawned them off of someone. 

"Yo, Lucy!" Natsu suddenly proclaimed, entering the kitchen after a trip to her room, "You seen (Y/N) and Zam? They're not in your room."

"WHY THE HELL WERE YOU IN MY ROOM, YOU IDIOT?!" Lucy rose from her seat to hit Natsu upside the head. She huffed and crossed her arms,  looking around the room, "Huh.. You're right. Where'd they go?" 

"Maybe they went out for a walk or something." Happy suggested, landing on a hurting Natsu's shoulder.

Erza nodded, standing up from the couch and dusting off her armor, "While that may be possible, it doesn't explain how she could've left while escaping Natsu's senses." 

Silence overtook the room as they pondered over the thought. Erza was right; there was no way in hell that someone could escape Natsu's radar. How'd she do it? Where could she have gone? Since (Y/N) is new to the area, she wouldn't know her way around. 

"Wait a minute..." Gray spoke, rising from his chair as all heads turned to him, "(Y/N)--" 

"And Zak!" Natsu interjected, much to Gray's annoyance. 

Gray sneered at his friend before continuing, "And Zak are lost in a town they've never been to. They've already met us and Natsu, who could sniff her out easily."

Everyone slowly nodded in agreement. While Gray's explanation was brief, it made a lot of sense. A tic mark appeared on Lucy's forehead as she growled, punching the top of Natsu's head. 

"Ow! What the hell, Luce?!" He yelped, bending down and rubbing his head. His light glare looked up to her intense one. 

"Why didn't you think of that, Natsu?" She yelled, gritting her teeth at his shrug. She huffed once again, motioning for everyone to follow her out the door. After she locked her apartment, she ordered Natsu to begin sniffing. Doing as he was told (to avoid another punch from the she-devil), he began to lead everyone in a random direction. 

The chase was on. 

♪───OTime Skip brought to you by Uta scaring newcomersO────♪

Half an hour. 

They've been walking for half an hour

A half hour may seem like a short amount of time to be walking, but it felt like Natsu was purposely walking in circles.Lucy sighed, dragging her heels slightly as her annoyance levels slowly grew. Looking around, her friends seemed to be annoyed, as well. She turned her head to the left, making eye contact with Gray. They had a small telepathic conversation before Gray nodded his head. He looked towards Natsu and, in the kindest was possible, threw a ball of ice directly at his head. 

Fuming, Natsu stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, glaring at his boxer-clad frenemy, "The hell was that for?!"

"You're taking too damn long." Gray replied, glaring back at him, "It's like you're purposely stalling or something."

"I am not stalling!" He huffed in annoyance, crossing his arms over his chest and turning his nose up slightly, "She and Cole just happen to keep moving." 

Everyone sighed at his childish display before continuing to walk. Erza placed her hand on Natsu's shoulder, giving a comforting (and not at all painful) squeeze, "Just keep sniffing. At this rate, I'm sure we'll--"

Suddenly, Natsu took off in a random direction, leaving them all standing in confusion. Before they could even start running after him, they heard screaming and his laugh coming from an alleyway.


With a childlike smile on his face, Natsu came out of the alley, holding a (h/c) haired girl in the air by the back of her shirt. She was swinging her legs and grabbing hold of his wrist with her hands, trying to get him to drop her. The group couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. (Y/N) was being held in the air, glaring and spitting profanities at the man-child that was effortlessly keeping her there. Her exceed was flying near her head, trying to pry Natsu's hand off of her sweatshirt.

 "Found her!" He called, lifting her up higher.  

"God damnit, I said put me DOWN!" She once again struggled, glaring daggers into his soul as he looked at her with proud and happy eyes, "Don't hold me by my scruff; I'm not a cat!"

Nodding in response, Natsu let go of her sweatshirt. Not expecting him to, (Y/N) let out a quick, high pitched squeak as  she dropped to the ground. She landed, not so gracefully, on her butt, using her hands to push herself off the ground. 

"Mission retrieve (Y/N) and Danny, accomplished!" He flashed a proud grin to his friends, giving a thumbs up while Happy copied his actions. 

Shooting off the ground, (Y/N) stood and pulled Natsu down by his vest, making him face to face with the angry female, "His name is Sam."

With a huff, she released him and walked towards the group, "So, you found me. Want a medal?"

"Really?!" Natsu's exclamation fell on deaf ears.

"Why the hell did you run off, anyway?" Gray inquired, narrowing his eyes at the shorter female. 

"Wanted some air," She shrugged, "Nothing says that I can't sneak away to run around the town."

Sighing, Gray shook his head, turning to Erza for some help with the situation. Catching his gaze, she nodded before walking up to (Y/N) and bending over.

"Umm, what the hell are yo--Hey! PUT ME DOWN!!" (Y/N) screams once again  fell of deaf ears as Erza lifted the girl over her shoulder. She began pounding her armor and kicking her legs, cursing everyone that was around her. Everyone, except for the girl, began to laugh as they walked towards the guild.

There was no doubt about it; she was gonna fit in juust fine.


A/N: I'M BACK IDJITS!! I AM SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T UPDATED! Writer's block, sports, school, pointless drama, and a lack of motivation sucked. However, I am hoping that I can fix that for 2016. Over my absence, I have watched new animes and read some amazing fanfictions in hopes of gaining some inspiration. 

Finally, after over a year of being away, watching K and falling in love with Misaki Yata, I have found my lost spark! 

I appreciate all of you lovely readers and fans that have been literally yelling at me to update and reading and commenting on my stories! 

In other news, I plan on updating the others at some point, and I know that this request keeps appearing after my work, but you'll just have to deal. Please, ask me questions and stuff in "Ask Pinkie". I love to hear from you guys! Requests for One Shots are always open, just comment or message what you want (whether it be a personal, shipping, or male/female reader request) and I'll write it! 

Echo, I haven't forgotten about you, don't worry! You're request will be written!

Anyways, it feels good to be back. I might start uploading these to Tumblr as well. What do you think? Let me know! 

Let me be the dork to casually add in my links XD



P.S.: How tall are you?

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