Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV


I took off into a sprint once I escaped their grasp, my mind on one thing and one thing only: Freedom. My feet felt like they were ice, gliding along the tiles, leading me to the sunlight. Turn after turn I went through, but it felt like I was only going in circles.

'Where the hell is the exit?' I thought, my (e/c) eyes scanning the surrounding area. I turned a corner and stopped, staying ever so silent as the guards ran past me, splitting up at another intersecting corridor. When I was sure they were gone, I let out a sigh of relieve, my breath coming out in slight pants as I pushed my (h/l), (h/c) hair out of my face. Once my breathing slowed, I turned my head to the left, finding light coming from the end of the corridor. Looking closer, I could see the faint outline of grass and mountains off in the distance.

"Finally," I grunted softly, letting out a sigh of relief as I ran towards the exit, my black Timberland boots barely making a sound against the white tile below. The door approached quickly, and I held my arms out, using my momentum to open the door as I passed through. I never stopped running, the thought of being captured circling my mind, only motivating me to run faster down the dirt path and into the forest ahead.

~20 minutes later~

I pushed my way through the last of the branches, my black jeans and black hoodie ripped slightly. I emerged from the forest, only to be blessed with the sight of a happy and bustling town. I released a sigh of relief as I read the 'WELCOME TO MAGNOLIA' sign.

"I'm finally here!" I whispered excitedly, weaving through the many people that littered the streets. After a few minutes of weaving and pushing, I finally managed to get through the many people on that street. I adjusted the dark gray beanie that was on my head before walking along the not so crowded street.

While I walked, I took in my surroundings. The buildings were neat and close together, leaving many shortcuts between them. Crisp leaves crunched underneath my feet as I walked, seeing the large building I've heard so much about. I picked up my pace, seeing as I was very close to the building now. After a few minutes, I stopped in front of the building, taking in everything. I adverted my gaze to above the doors, seeing the words 'FAIRY TAIL' written in big letters above it. Taking a look at the doors, I gripped the gray wolf pendant on my necklace in my hand, before sighing and placing my opposite hand on one of the guild doors.

'This is it,' I thought, 'There's no turning back now.'

With that thought, I took a deep breath, pushing the door open and walking inside.

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