Chapter 1; Harper's P.O.V

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         I scream as I feel the pain of the belt hitting my back. "YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T TALK BACK TO ME! GO GET READY BECAUSE THE NEW NEIGHBORS ARE COMING TO HAVE DINNER. NOW!!!!" My father yells at me and I feel a sharp pain on my face and everything becomes blurry as I start to get up the stairs. I put on a pair of dark ripped jeans, a white Tank top with a picture of Alex and I, I snap a locket around my neck and slip on my white converse. As I walk in to the bathroom,  I look into a mirror.

Why are you so ugly and thin?!

Your such a bitch! Go kill yourself!!

I roll my eyes at my memories of those words being spoken by my father. I decide on putting my light brown hair into a side braid.

"All right Harper, Let's do this."

I hear door bell and I stay in my room until my father calls me down. I walk down the stairs and I see a Short blonde-haired woman in light blue dress and  a tall dark Brown-haired man in a plad shirt and some jeans. "Hello, you must be Harper! Your look wonderful!" The blonde woman says. Of course I disagree in my mind. "Thank you Mrs. Hun-" She interrupts me " No, no please call me Ellen! And this is my husband James! My son will be here shortly with his best friend, Austin." Ellen says. I nod and the idea passes through my head that I should invite Alex over.

No Dad will probably beat me..... And that sucks.

"Harper please go get the plates and then go to your room." My father says smiling at me. Yep. That's a totally fake smile. "Yes, Sir." I give him the plates and run up to my room. Thank god I get to stay in my room all evening. So, pull out my phone and check Instagram.


Tap Tap

Ugh that is so annoying! I open the window to find that Alex is throwing rocks at my window.
"Harper let me in!!!!! I know something is wrong!!! I sense it with my best friend senses!!" Alex whisper/yells at me. "Alright! Come on up! The tree should be easy enough to climb!" I whisper/yell back. Alex climbs into my room and she stares at me until I break the silence. "What?"  "Show me." Alex says. "Show you what?" I ask. "I know he did something to you...." "Okay..." I lift the back of my shirt and show her the scars and bruises . "Oh my god! Come here!" She wraps her arms around me pulling me into a hug. I start to cry into her shoulder and she pulls away and says   "Wanna watch a movie? Your choice. I brought Nutella jars for the both of us!" I smile and nod. "What movie" she asks. "The Fault in our stars." I say. TFIOS is one of my favorites. She grabs the disk and puts input in the DVD player. I go to my closet and out on a long sleeve sweater. She hands me a jar of Nutella and a spoon and we start eating.
(Movie ends)

"G-G-Gus L-l-lo-loved her s-so much!!!!" I sob into my pillow. "Why d-d-did he di-die!!!!" I sob even louder. "I Know!! It's unbelievable!" Alex cries. We still haven't eaten all the Nutella so we have a lot left over. We're still eating though.
The door bells rings again and I answer this time because my dad was busy talking with the neighbors . "Hello?" I open the door to see a tall brown haired boy with green eyes and another boy behind him. The other boy is tall, blonde and has blue eyes. I probably look like an emo. I notice I still have the jar of Nutella in my hands and my eyes red and puffy from crying. "My parents are here." The Brown haired boy says. I let them both in and Ellen introduces him to me, But right before she can speak, Alex jumps off the stairs, lands in the middle and jumps off again. "Woah. What happened here?"  She sounds confused. "Oh Alex. I thought I told you to stay upstairs." I grit my teeth and I think she gets the memo. At the corner of my eye I see the other boy stare at Alex. She seriously just missed a step on the stairs and hit her head against a step. "Owwww!!!! Harper!!! What the hell are your stairs made out of?! Bedrock?!" She whines while rubbing her temples to keep her head from getting dizzy. "Are you okay?" I here the blonde boy say. "Yeah fine. Well I'll see ya up there Harper, Adios weirdos!" Alex says walking up the stairs. "Harper this is my son, Aiden." She smiles at me but I see a smirk on the Aiden's face. Okay this boy is officially bad news. "Nice to meet you." I smile a small welcoming smile. I turn around and start going up the stairs. "If you need anything. You know where ill be." I tell the boys. I walk into my room and I see that Alex is glaring at a wall.
She's thinking. I wonder what she's thinking about.....

"You ok?" I ask her. "Yeah I'm fine." "Are you s-" "HELLO LADIES" I was interrupted by Aiden. "What do you want?" I mutter rolling my eyes. "You seemed so nice down there! Why are you being mean" he whined like he was 6. Oh shut up and tell me." I glared at him. "Fine! Okay Fine, Austin and I want to do something. Any Ideas?" He smirks, wiggling his eyebrows.
Pervert much?

I roll my eyes and push him out of my room. Slamming the door in his face. I turn around and Alex is already asleep. I put a mattress in my closet and she slept there. Early that morning my phone makes a sound which wakes me up. It's Alex. She left early. I walk downstairs and realize I didn't cook my dad breakfast and he was glaring at me. "You know the drill." And I felt the pain of the belt hit my face. I let out a painful scream.

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