Chapter 2; Alex's P.O.V 'Operation Save BFFL'

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I open my eyes and I'm thinking Ive been kidnapped. I am in a small room and I have the urge to kick down the door.
Wait.....This is Harper's closet....

I open the door and as I gather my stuff I realize I fell asleep while reading Clifford. Unlike Harper, I'm not that much of a bookworm. I hear footsteps and I quickly get out from the window and jog towards my house. I leave a text for Harper. Ding Ding. She answered back pretty quickly.
Alex le taco: Hey Harp, I left earlier so don't worry. Ttyl <3

Harper Le Badass: Okay. Dear God help me.... I forgot to cook the ass breakfast today. I can already feel what's coming....

Alex le taco: Oh no. Please no!!

Harper didn't reply back to me. I can feel the urge to run back and fight her father. My stomach is in knots and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

I need to get my Best friend out of that house as soon as possible. But how?

I have an idea! I should make her move into my house with me and we can be roommates! But her father will notice she's gone. I need to get rid of him...
As I walk into my room, my 6 year old brother, Justin, taps my arm. "Sissy? Are you okay? Where were you last night? You seem worried." He says. Unlike most brothers and sisters, Justin and I don't fight. It may be because of the year difference. "Yeah I am pretty stressed.." My voice trails off and it turns into a whisper. "Why?" He asks with his eyes filled with curiosity. I trust my brother. "Harper. I'm worried about Harper. She's in danger.." I say. I can feel that I'm tearing up because my vision is getting a bit blurry. "Oh... Ho-" He gets cut off by my mother. She embraces me and says "Alex! Where were you last night?!" She questions me with the same curiosity and her eyes.My brother was much like my mother. "Harper's place. I fell asleep reading a book and she let me sleepover." I whisper. I feel a hot tear stream down my face and I bury my face in her shoulder. "She's in trouble mom." I sob and my mascara runs down my face as well. "Oh honey! How is she in trouble?" She pulls back and looks me in the eye. I know I shouldn't tell her but I need to say something don't I? "Her father..... He beats her.." I sob. Her eyes open wide and she says "We need proof of that." She says. "I've seen proof." I say.
I'm so worried about her.
"How?" Mom asks. "She's showed me. She has walked through school always with something in pain. Yesterday one side of her face was bruised as if she had been punched." I say. "And I want to get her out of that he'll house and save my best friend!" I continue. "Oh honey , she can stay with us." I see the hope in her eyes and I give her a sad smile. "But her father. We need to get rid of her father." She continues. I pull out my cell phone and dial 911.
"Hello? This is the police station. How may we help you?" A lady asks.
"Hello. I'm here to tell you my best friend's father is abusive. Her mother died in a car accident and he beats her for no reason.." I'm starting to cry. " I need your help. She won't survive much ,on her if this doesn't end." I sob quietly into the phone. " Of course, but I need some details. What is your friend's name, age, and address?" She calmly says. "Harper Marie Jones, She is 15 and her address is 5432 Willow Blvd." I say. "Okay we'll be over there in atleast 5 minutes." She says then hangs up. I start to run out my door and I hide in the bushes of Harper's house. I hear the sirens coming.

Alright, let's do this.

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