Stalkers and bosses

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" Dad I found something," I said running into his office.

That was when I accidentally interrupted dad's boss and him talking. My eyes got huge realizing what I had done.

" Aspen, not now. I will talk to you after," giving me the get the he'll out of here look.
" Um...," I shuddered," Sorry I will talk to you later."
" Oh no, I would like to here what you have to see about the Cortez case," his boos said doing the look that I do to my best friend, Ethan when he says he cans do a back flip. He can't!
" Well... sir... I have found some critical evidence that could clear Cortez as an innocent man. The graffiti had an "I" in it and it was clearly dotted. But in Bryson's homework, he never dots his eyes.

I stood their like ya ass hole I got mad skills!!

" Good work, we will take that to the evidence room. But why did he say he did it?"
" I don't know. Maybe he was trying to protect somebody."

Bryson's POV

I don't know what to do. God dammit, think Bry, think.

Oooh, I could just run out of here. I could take any of the scronny ass cops.

My little Angel on my right told me, stop being cocky!

I pulled out my phone and saw that a blocked number had texted me.

Blocked Number
Don't tell

Wtf!!!! Who the hell are you

Blocked Number
Don't you worry your pretty little face about that. Just worry what I'm willing to do if I don't get what I want.

And what that be?

Blocked Number

I felt a well of rage forming in my stomach. Wait why I am feeling this. I barely know her?
So this is unedited as well.
Tell me what you think my lovelies.

Well see ya
Love you guys
Bye- Danii :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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