Chapter 16

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Sakoda leads me down the hall to where James is in his office. He sits at his desk looking over plans, papers and maps. But what catches my attention is a few envelopes with different writings on them, but they are all written out with our names and a small caption saying when we are having the ceremony and that you have been invited. James looks up when he hears me come in and smiles.

"Hey there my little alpha. Look who can walk again."

"Yeah I know. It's pretty amazing."

The letters are still sitting on his desk. When he looks to see where I am looking at his face lights up and hands them to me.

"Here. Take these and look them over. I need to know which one you like the best. We need to get these sent out to the pack so that they know about tomorrow."

Just looking at the letters I reach out for them and take them. "Thanks. I'll look these over and get back to it. So what about my mother? Is she going to be okay? And what is going to happen with the other alpha?"

"Your mother is going to be okay. She just needs a lot of rest. Your father is to have to learn his place, but for now his place is by his mates side. As for the Luke he will have to just sit from his pack lines and watch as we are paired together tomorrow night. There will be nothing that he can do to stop what is going to happen. When the ceremony is done there will be nothing that can separate us, except for death. That could separate us." James gets up from his desk and comes to me pulling me into him. My head just rests on his chest while I listen to the sound of his heart beating. "We will become one my luna. I love you." He leans down and kisses the top of my head.

One of the pack members walks in and james growls. It is loud in my ear and I have to pull away from him which doesn't work at all because of how strong he is. No instead he pulls me even closer to him and just stares at the guy.

"Uhm sorry to barge in sir but there is some commotion going on outside. The scouts on duty found a rogue wolf walking around pack lines. He is refusing to shift to human form. The guy just wont communicate and has tried to come across and has injured one of our own."

"God dammit! This is not what I had needed or wanted the day before our ceremony." James looks down at me and gives me a stern look. "Nadia I want you to stay in the pack house with sakoda. Do not leave the house no matter what. I will have guards here to make sure that you do not leave. I don't want to see you getting hurt out there."

Really did he just tell me that I am not allowed to go out and do something? Oh hell no. He does not get to tell me what to do. I mean come on haven't I shown that I can handle myself?

"Really are you kidding me? Do you not think that I cant handle myself and take care of things? You have seen how strong I am. Why cant you just let me come with? Maybe a women will be able to talk to him and get him to shift." Crossing my arms I force myself out of his grip. James reluctantly lets go of me and I just stand back looking up at him. Damn why does he have to be taller than me?

With a growl that shakes me and sends sparks up my spine and makes me tingle james paces the room. The other guy just stands at the door.

"Fine, you can go nadia but if you so much as get hurt by him then I am going to rip his head off. I will not tolerate some other male laying a hand or anything on my mate. Gale just go and tell the others to hold him off. Ill be there in a few minutes. Let me get some things first. Where is he at?"

"He's at the north side alpha. I'll go tell the others now." With that gale takes off closing the door behind him.

James just keeps pacing around and thinking. Seriously can he stop already? "Hey are you okay?"

"No I am not okay. I cannot believe that you would do something like that. You were in front of one of my men. You need to learn that I am the alpha right now."

"Oh no do not start that. I am your equal. You don't get to tell me what I will and will not be doing. You don't get to decide for me. Until I came here I was able to handle myself. I am still capable of doing that. Now I am going to go and get some knives to put on sakoda then I am heading out to the north pack lines. You can either follow me or stay. But one way or another I am going to be in this to help. This is soon to be my pack as well."

I take off out of his office putting the letters back on his desk. Sakoda barks and then follows behind me. We go to where we keep all of our weapons and I take down the knives that I am going to use and put them in a bag with a pair of clothes as well then tie the bag to sakoda. When I get outside I'm about to shift when I see james coming out the door with a change of clothes.

"Do you think she can carry these as well?"

I grab the clothes and put them in the bag and then we shift and head for the north pack lines.

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