The next day...
Sohee and CL bought two tents for their camping. Sohee shock,"Two tents? Who else will join us?". CL just smile."Baekhyun and Siwon," CL then buying a kilo meat for BBQ. 'Baekhyun?' Sohee then asking again," CL, why do you bring Baekhyun?". CL take a breath. She knows that Sohee hate Baekhyun.
CL is finding the best place for camp."CL?" CL then find the sound. "Baekhyun! What are you doing here?" Baekhyun saw CL is alone, so he want to accompany her. "I'm just take a fresh air,". CL just nod. "Can you help me to find a place for camping?". Baekhyun smile. 'Maybe Sohee join, too'. "Sure, why not?" CL feels happy. After that, they looking at CL place list.
"How about Haenam?" Baekhyun think maybe Sohee can feel joy there. He just wanted to find place for Sohee, not for the camp. "Thats good. Thanks," CL took her notebook. She wrote something in it.
Baekhyun felt shy to ask, but he really want to see Sohee, "Can I...join your camp?" CL stop her writing. "Baekhyun, Sohee and Siwon will join, too.". Baekhyun still consoling her,"Please..I'm promise that I'll not bother their date..opss their romance time," CL can't stop think.
"Okay, then"
Baekhyun was as happy as a children. He jumped and shouted, "HAENAM!!!!!!" CL closed her eyes. She felt embrassing.
Flashback end...
"Err...its not bad, right? We have 2 women and 2 men." Sohee want to shout 'NO' but she can't. She will feels embrassing. And the media maybe will there as fast as lighting. 'What the fabulous'."Let eating something" Sohee pull CL's hand to the big restaurant. "Treat me, please..." CL do a puppy face to Sohee. Sohee just little laugh. "Okay." They enter to the rastaurant.
"Huh? That's Sohee"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Helloooooooooooo!!!! I need your star so I can go to the galaxy! Haha. Ok, I have nothing to say, so chapter 6!!!!!! WAAAA!!!!!!

The Dark Killer
AdventureA betrayer between Sohee,CL,Baekhyun and Siwon. But you will know who is that...killer. Sohee so suprised. And she may so sad. How about CL, Baekhyun and Siwon? #KpopFanfiction