Siwon give an injection to CL. That's drug. The drug make CL stop talking and shouting."You...such...XX" said CL. Siwon just smile as devil. "I don't think so.." said Siwon. Before she fainted, she heard, "Si Yeun, can you....".
Flashback end..
"What? What he said?!" Said Sohee. But, before CL open her mouth, she faint. "CL!! Wake up please!!" Sohee shouting but CL can't hear her. Sohee open her jacket and make it as a pillow for CL."Sorry CL. I must leave you for a while. I promise I'll take you out from this forest." said Sohee. After that, she run to find Baekhyun or anybody else can help her. She really hoping that. And she sincerely if she....
"Baekhyun!!!!" Sohee shouting while run. Suddenly, she found a small villa where Siwon kept her before. Hope that she will found Baekhyun there. "Baekhyun!! Are you here?!" shouted her.
"So..hee.." said a guy in the villa. And of course that guy is Baekhyun. Sohee quickly run to him. "Baekhyun, are you okay?" asked Sohee. "Sohee..I'm think I will-" "No!! You can't leave me! Because I love you!!" said Sohee. She then cry. Baekhyun shock. He smile happily. "Please.." said Sohee in her cry. "Okay..I will help you.." said Baekhyun. Sohee stop cry and hug Baekhyun.
"Okay, lets go!" said Sohee with her fully spirit. Even Baekhyun is weak as CL, but for Sohee, he will forget that sick. And he never forget the word, 'I love you'. That is from Sohee's sweet mouth. But he don't know if Sohee is honest or just giving a spirit for him. 'I hope this is real,'.
"Stop!" said a guy but its not Baekhyun. Sohee and Baekhyun look back. Its Siwon. With his angry face. He hold a gun on his right hand. Baekhyun and Sohee shock. "Si..Siwon.." said Baekhyun.
"Aaaaggrrhhh!!!!" shouted Baekhyun and Sohee together. "Run Sohee, run!!" They run as fast as lighting leaving the old villa. Siwon then chasing them. "Fast! Baekhyun!" said Sohee. She so worry about Baekhyun.
They through the forest together. Siwon still shooting to them make they afraid. Suddenly, they arrive at CL place. "CL!" said Baekhyun.
Siwon arrive there, too. He smile as he will win in his game.
------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello readers!!!!!!! Who is Exotics?!!! Who is ELF?!!!!!!! Raise your hand please!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<

The Dark Killer
AdventureA betrayer between Sohee,CL,Baekhyun and Siwon. But you will know who is that...killer. Sohee so suprised. And she may so sad. How about CL, Baekhyun and Siwon? #KpopFanfiction