The Unknown

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They woke up at the beginning of dawn all hot and sweaty. It was not their ideal way to wake up, but they had to deal with it anyway. They waited for an hour or two and no cars came. They couldn't use their cell phones because they didn't have service.

"What are we going to do?" Gabriel asked.

"We need to make a plan" James replied.

"Why don't we all go looking for help?" Maria insisted.

"You up?" Lilly said.

"No, I mean all together because we are on this trip together so we're not going to split" Maria said annoyed at Lilly's response.

"If anyone disagrees speak up now" Steven said out loud.

No one spoke, so they all headed down the road. They made sure to bring whatever water and food they had to eat later on. They walked for about one whole hour and a half before something came up. It was a old house with a shack out back. The girls didn't like the way it looked it creeped them out.  James went to the door and knocked.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" James asked.

"I don't think anyone's home" James said turning away from the door.

Right as James headed down the first step on the porch the door opened. They all looked at the door but couldn't see anyone. James decided he wanted to go and check out the house.

"James what are you doing? You don't know what's in there." Maria said to him concerned.

"I'm just going to see whats in here" James replied.

"I don't like the look of this" Gabriel said scared.

"If one goes in, we all go in" Steven said.

They looked at him and agreed. They all thought the more people the more protection. They all entered the house afraid of what they might see or what might happen. The house itself didn't scare them but more of the unknown. Not knowing what was inside the house scared them.

They entered the house and didn't believe what they saw. They saw that the house was dusty, gross, disgusting, and wreaked of a ugly stench. They all were inspecting the first floor of the house. There was nothing to be found. At the rate they were going they were not going to be able to see the whole house in a short time, so they split up. Lilly, Gabriel, and James went up stairs and Steven, and Maria went down to the basement.

"Ugh this place smells so bad" Maria stated to Steven while in the basement.

"I know it wreaks" Steve said grossed out.

"What's that light coming from behind that door?" Maria asked.

"I don't know... Should we check it out?" Steven asked while he was scared.

"I don't know but can I ask you something?" Maria asked in a serious tone.

"Sure, what's up?" Steven said concerned.

"Why did you tell Gabriel those things?" Maria said seriously.

"What are you talking about?" Steven said confused.

"In the car while we were all asleep" Maria stated staring in his eyes.

"Umm..." Steven said.

"Gabriel told me everything. Why would you tell him that knowing that he's had a crush on you since forever?" Maria said starting to raise his voice.

"Because it's true that's why" Steven said defending himself.

Maria started to get mad at Steven because this happened once to Gabriel sophomore year and it turned out that the guy was "pulling a joke". After that Maria was always defending Gabriel and making sure that it didn't happen again and she was damn sure she wasn't going to let it happen right now.

"You need to stop, I'm not going to let you hurt Gabriel." Maria said with rage.

"Why I'm not doing anything wrong just expressing my feelings" Steven said back to Maria.

"No you're not, you're trying to hurt him and I won't let you!" Maria started yelling by this point.

"You're not going to tell me what to do got it, I don't need to explain to you why I told Gabriel that information got it!" Steven started to yell back.

"I swear to god if you hurt him I'm going to-" Maria was interrupted by a loud scream coming from upstairs.

"That sounds like Lilly" Steven said in a panic.

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