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They woke up hot and sweaty. Everyone stayed quiet because of what happened the previous day. Eventually Steven spoke up.

"We got to go" he said.

"Where? Were stranded and no one is coming to help us" Maria said.

"I don't know but he will eventually find us we need to go" Steven replied.

"He's right Maria" James said.

"Fine" Maria said.

They went walking once again but in the other direction this time. It was a while before they found a little shop. They were happy and excited that they hell that barely began is already over.

"Guys do you see that?" Maria asked.

"Yea I do, c'mon we gotta check it out" Steven said.

They went into the shop and ran to the cashier for help.

"Help there's a killer after us and he's already killed one of our friends and he's going to come back for us" Maria said in a panic.

"Wait what's going on?" The cashier asked.

"There is a killer after us. Can you help?" Maria said to him.

"Of course follow me" the cashier said.

They all followed him to the room in the back of the shop. They made conversation while they walked. He asked what the killer looked like and they each described the way he looked. He stopped walking for a second and then continued.

"Come in here it's safe" the cashier said.

He opened the door and they all went in. When they went in Gabriel noticed how old he was. He had many wrinkles, a lot more gray hairs than he realized, and his teeth were yellow as corn. Gabriel didn't like the way things seemed, but what other choice do they have. Then he closed the door on them.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Gabriel said banging on the door.

"What the hell" Steven said.

"What happened?" James asked.

"The cashier locked us in here" said Maria.

They all looked at each other in shame for how gullible they all were. They went down the stairs in the room. It was dark and creepy. It was dirty and old. The room they were now in looked like someone has been living in there. There were tunnels that led in different direction they didn't know which one to take. Then all they heard was some footsteps that sounded like it was heading towards the door. They all waited at the bottom of the stairs to see if it was the cashier. The door opened and they saw the killer. They all started running towards the tunnels.
They each went into different ones.

"HELP!" Gabriel yelled.

"GUYS WHERE ARE YOU!" Maria screamed.

"AH!" James screamed from the top
Of his lungs.

"HELP ME!" Steven said yelling.

The killer was following Steven. After running for a while he took a break and started walking. He looked back and saw nothing. He was grateful. Then he saw a black figure appear at the end of the tunnel.

"Oh god no" he mumbled to himself.

"Please no" he said.

The black figure started to move towards him, so he started running the opposite direction. He eventually got toward where he started but right when he got out the tunnel the killer stabbed him in the stomach. Steven fell to the ground in pain. The killer was watching over him. He started to crawl in hope of getting away.

"HELP ME!" He yelled.

"PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" He yelled as a tear went down his face.

He started crawling faster. He didn't wanted to die. He knew he had his whole life ahead of him. The killer stabbed him dead center of his spine. His legs were now useless. Steven started crying but he didn't stop crawling. He eventually ran out of energy so he turned on his back. He thought to himself that he would never have kids, he would never get to ask Someone to marry him, he would never have kids, he will never graduate college. He started crying even more as he thought of his family. He will never see his nine year old sister ever again.

At that moment the killer got on top of him. Put the knife to Stevens throat and slowly started slitting his throat. Blood got on the killers face and clothes. Steven was bleeding out for about 3 minutes before he died.

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