Chapter One

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"And what would you like to drink with that?" Monica smiles, pen poised over the pad of paper. The family orders their drinks and Monica promises that their order will be out soon.

As she's walking back to give the order to the chef, she hears the little jingle of the front door opening. A regular steps inside looking worn out and sad.

She frowns. He's usually so happy and bubbly, instead, his eyes dart around the diner before making his way to the booth farthest away from all the activity.

After dropping off the order slip, Monica makes her way over to the regular. He doesn't look up when she stops at his table.

"Hello, I'm Monica, I'll be your waitress today. What would you like to drink right away?" She says with rehearsed pep.

"Just a cup of coffee, please." His voice is scratchy and he doesn't even bother looking at her. She falters a bit before answering.

"Sure thing! I'll bring it to you right away." Walking around the counter, she quickly writes down his order and marks that it was already given to him. She slips the order pad and pencil back into her apron pocket.

"Hey, Monica, did you see the regular?" Monica's coworker, Nora, elbows her in a hushed voice. Monica steals a glance over at him but he hasn't moved an inch since he sat down.

"Yes, I'm serving him. " She frowns, still watching him. He doesn't give any indication that he hears the two girls whispering.

"He's so weird today, right?"

"Nora!" She scolds quietly. The regular stiffens as their voices rise but Monica has already whipped her head back around at her coworker. Nora laughs. "I'm sure he's just having an off day. We all have them." Monica defends. Again, Nora laughs.


Rolling her eyes, Monica grabs one of the pots of coffee and heads towards the regular's table. She flips one of the mugs over and pours a generous cup for him.

"Are you ready to order now, sir?" Monica asks cheerfully.

"Just the coffee is fine, thank you." With trembling fingers he reaches out to grab the mug and brings it up to his lips. "You can go now." He dismisses, before sipping the black coffee.

"Right, sorry." Monica blushes and turns to walk away with the coffee pot.

"You can call me Harry, by the way. I'm no sir."

"Sorry, my bad." After waiting for a few moments without reply, she returns to the counter to put the coffee pot back.

"Order up!" The chef rings the bell before returning to the grill. Monica grabs the order meant for the table that she served earlier. She divides the food amongst the hungry customers. Just as she's getting ready to return the tray to the kitchen, one of the people at the table flag her down again.

"You forgot our drinks, lady." Monica plasters on a forced smile.

"Of course, I'm very sorry. I'll bring them right away." Going back behind the counter, Monica grabs glasses and fills them under the various taps and sets them on the tray.


"Hmm?" Nora hums boredly.

"Could you put in an order of fries for me?" Nora gives her a look similar to one someone would give someone else who grew another arm.

"Please? While I'm dropping off these drinks?" Monica sticks out her bottom lip in a pout. Groaning loudly, Nora fills out an order sheet and her practically new pad and sticks it up on the window for the chef. Monica thanks her with a sweet smile before returning to the table with the tray of glasses.

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