Chapter Eight

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"Wait... so you're telling me that Nora didn't just come to beg you to return to the vampire court. She also came to warn you about the vampire who attacked me?" Monica's voice rises as she continues speaking.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away." Harry says with his head down. "Besides, it seems like you've healed up nicely." One side of Monica's mouth goes up in an unimpressed look.

"Don't try to flatter me, Harry. That may have happened a few weeks ago but I still have questions. God-" She bolts up from the couch, a hand in her hair. "I can't sleep without feeling like some vampire is going to show up to finish me off!" She paces quickly around the furniture in her apartment.

"Monica, I don't see why you worry about that so much. I keep watch all night long on your couch." Harry sends her a worried look. She stops pacing and places her hands on the back of the couch, leaning over it.

"What I want to know," she says, ignoring what Harry previously said, "is what that other vampire meant by your 'powers'."

"His name is Zayn- you know that because I told you all about him- and I told you he was delusional." Harry evades eye contact.

"Why are you avoiding my question, Harry?" He doesn't respond or look at her. She moves on to another question. "Did you use your powers on me, Harry?" She demands.

"Yes." Harry answers quietly.


He turns to her. "Mind control." He finally says. "I only used it on you a few times. I-" He takes a deep breath, not wanting to watch Monica's probably horrified or most likely disgusted or angry face. Monica takes this opportunity to ask more questions. "How many times? When?" She explodes. He doesn't speak right away and Monica doesn't push him.

"When we first met." His voice shakes. He pauses. Takes a deep breath. Lets in out. "I used mind control to get you to lock the door and sit down at the diner."

"Why?" The anger in her voice wavers.

"I intentionally drank more than I should have from you to keep you from going to work because I saw Nora lingering outside your window the night before. I thought you'd be in danger. So I drank from you and 'persuaded' you to take a nap. I wanted to keep you safe." Monica's face reddens and she rounds the couch to stand in front of him.

"Are you fucking kidding me? How could you intentionally do that to me, you bastard! I- I let you stay in my home- oh my god, I invited a vampire into my home." She sits back down on the couch, her head in her hands. Harry ignores the annoying vampire stereotype and continues.

"It wasn't entirely intentional-"

"What else haven't you been telling me?" She snaps. Harry sighs, suddenly tired.

"Besides Nora and Zayn? Well, I'm sure they will be coming after me- us."

"Because I poisoned Zayn?" He shakes his head. He finally peeks over at Monica who is now watching him.

"Uh, no." He frowns. "I'm certain Nora will blame it on me."

"Why? Why is she so obsessed with you?"

Again he shakes his head, this time sighing. "I don't know. But she's the one who dumped me."

Monica looks away, wincing.

"I need to get some air."

She stands and begins walking to the door when she suddenly stops half way. He shoulders hunch, a small strangled sound coming from her mouth.

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