Chapter Six

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"What do you want, Nora?" Harry hisses and he closes the door behind him.

Nora doesn't seem as teasing as before, though. She looks away, unable to meet his eyes, and fiddles with the hem of her shirt.

"Please come back, Harry." Her voice comes out very quiet and Harry leans in a little closer to hear what she said.


"Please, Harry, I'm begging you. Just..." She peers up, her eyes pleading. "It's safer with the vampire court, you know that. And you drank from a human finally, so all is forgiven."


"Harry, please." She interrupts.

"Why did you go from 'I'm going to kill Monica' to 'oh, dear Harry, please come home with me'?" Harry demands, suddenly angry. "Leave her out of this." Nora glances away with a sigh before answering.

"You can come back now. The vampire court will welcome you home with open arms. You can leave this human behind." He shakes his head.

"You're not answering my question, Nora."

"Why do you care so much a-about a silly human?" She cries out. "She's just a mortal, Harry. You know whatever connection you have with her won't last."

"I don't care what you think about her." Pause. "Just answer the question."

"Fine." Nora snaps angrily. "You really want to know why?"

"Yes." Harry responds in frustration.

"I fucking miss you, okay? That's why I fucking came here. Are you happy now?" Harry scoffs, shaking his head.

"You never changed, you know that, right?" He leans in dangerously close. "Why did you really come here, Nora?" He says in a low voice. Nora swallows but doesn't break eye contact.

"It's about Zayn." She admits.

"What? What about Zayn?"

Harry momentarily loses his composure and gives Nora the space to casually back away. She leans against the peeling railing of the balcony.

"He's decided to pay you a visit. Congratulate you on drinking from a human." She shrugs, looking out amongst the buildings. Harry grits his teeth.

"You told him? He doesn't need to know about this. I left for a reason." Nora meets his eyes. She scowls at him.

"We were all friends, Harry. He wanted updates, wanted to know how you were holding up on the 'outside'."

"How generous of you to actually help someone for the first time in your life." Harry says coldly.

"Don't patronize me, Harry." She glares back. "But since you brought it up, did you tell your little human girlfriend that you left or did you give her the 'I was kicked out' sob story?" She sneers mockingly at him.

"That's none of your business." He says sharply.

"You lied to her." She scoffs in realization. "What else have you lied to her about? Your father?"

"Stop it, Nora." He snaps, stepping closer to her.

"Did you even tell her who you really are?" She gives him a look of disgust, breaking his eye contact to look him up and down.

"No." He grits his teeth.

The two glare at each other in silence.

"I'm doing the best I can without you." Nora says slowly, breaking the silence.

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