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Presentation; I am not into it,

Oh, I don't like it, I don't like it,

I don't enjoy it, not even a little bit,

I can't handle it, please enough of it!

Presentation; I might look okay,

But within, I'm super nervous ok?

I can't even speak in proper way,

Frankly, they do feel it, don't they?

Presentation; I'm not into speaking,

It's not my cup of tea; it's boring,

Yes, I know, it's about interacting,

Really? But still, it's not my thing!

Presentation; it freaks me out!

I don't know what to talk about,

That sometimes I could only pout,

Stop doing that to your mouth!

Presentation; those eyes are staring,

Some of them are actually mocking!

I don't believe that they're listening,

But I'm certain that they're judging!

Presentation; my legs start to wobble,

Each time I get in front, it's a trouble,

My voice projection is always unstable,

They don't find my points justifiable!

Presentation; why are you so irritating?

My audience; their stare; it's annoying!

They giggle, why? Well, I'm trembling,

Can't they stop it? It hurts my feeling.

Presentation; somehow this isn't right,

I must do something to this hindsight,

1st Stop whining about it day and night,

2nd Learn the skills with all your might!

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