Chapter 14

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(What happened=   ----before i can run away he puts his arm around my throat; ' You're going nowhere little girl, you're coming with me!'  

He dragged me with him, towards a abandoned alley. 

NO this can't be happening!  

I struggle against his power, but even though he's drunk he is still much stronger than me.  

'Don't fight me darling, it won't hurt.' his breath smells like alcohol and smoke. 

'NO ,leave-me-A-LOONEE-EE'---- )

Lisa's p.o.v.

I jumped and kicked and screamed as loud as I could, but it was useless. 

He pushed me against the wall as he comes closer to me. 

I spat in his eye and kept screaming and shouting as loud as I could. 

'Keep quiet or somebody is going to hear you!' He screamed at me 

'That's the point you filthy bastard!' I screeched back 

Then suddenly The Drunk dude fell onto the ground. 

Eh? What? 

But then I saw the reason he fell to the ground, a guy standing behind him with a broken bottle of wine. 

He dropped the bottle on the ground : 'Are you okay girl? Did he hurt ya?' He asked with a Irish accent. 

I nodded in response, But I am really not all right and he noticed it. 

'So what's your name girl?' 

'I'm Lisa' 

'Well Lisa, I'm Niall nice to meet ya' 

Wait ,I know him! It's Niall Horan, a friend of Zayn! I have seen him before at Zayn's Birthday party. maybe he can help me. 

'Niall, we have met before don't you remember?' 

He gave me a questionable look. 

'At Zayn's Birthday party?' 

'OOH now I remember you! You ate my cake... but why are you here? You're way to far from home, and bad things will happen if you stay here, this is a really dangerous place you know?' 

I looked to the ground, I don't want to face him : 'I got kidnapped and now I was almost raped by some dude I don't know,' i said scared 'but thank god you where here to save me, what are you doing here anyway?' 

he hesitated for a moment and then spoke; 'Okay so you don't know this, but i was dating Demi Lovato and she just broke up with me... at the hotel across the street. so i went out for a walk and heard a woman scream'. he pointed at me 'you.'  

aw poor guy just got dumped, Why would you dump such a cutie? 

Well I am just glad he’s here.

‘So Niall,’ I asked ‘Can you please help me get out of here? I don’t know where to go.’

‘Ofcourse Lisa!’ He said with convincing eyes ‘Just hop into my car over there and tell me where you want to go.’

I did what he said and he came in too.

‘Niall where are we exactly ?’I asked

‘We’re in Birmingham, why ? Don’t you know where you are?’

‘I don’t even know HOW I got here,  I was standing in a queue for some Starbucks and then BOOM I woke up here’

Niall grabbed his phone and began to type in a number.

‘Erhm what are you doing?’

‘Calling the police, you should definitely tell them! Maybe they can arrest whoever did this to you.’

‘NO!’ I shouted ; ‘Niall they told me not to call the police, if I or anyone do they will come and kill me.’

Niall was deep in his thoughts.

I just looked out of the window, not knowing what to say or think.

I just want to go home.

But where are Sam and Zayn?

‘Niall can we please call Zayn and Sam?’

‘Y-yeah ofcourse , but why if I may ask?’

‘They could be in danger…’

-Sam’s p.o.v.-

I was talking to Zayn (Who sat beside me) when a phone rang.

MY phone.

Caller ID ‘Niall Horan’

I picked up the phone; ’hey Niall’

‘Sam how are you?’

‘Yeah I feel way better now, but what’s up?’

‘I’ts about Lisa’

‘Niall… Lisa has been kidnapped.’ my mood dropped again

‘Please just listen Sam, I found Lisa!’

My heart stopped for a second.

She is still alive!

I looked at Zayn, and he gave me a questionable look.

I got to go and see Lisa!

‘Niall tell me where you are?’

‘I’m right outside your hospital room’

My head went like : omgomgomgomgomgomgthankgodasdfghjikkllxvbnuej

‘Lisaaaaa!!’ I screamed

‘Samanthaaaa!!!’ She ran up to my bed and hugged me.

‘O my god- Lisa I thought I would never see you again, thank god you’re here.’

Lisa seemed really filthy and kinda thin too.

‘Lizz you’ve got to eat something, you’re starving!’

‘I’ll take her to a restaurant on the way back, she can take a shower at my place if she wants to?’ Niall asked

Lisa nodded in response, And I saw a sparkle in her eyes when she looked at Niall.

-30 min. later-

Lisa and Niall went home.

I am so happy she is alright.

Tomorrow she has got to tell me everything what happened.

But now I am going to sleep, ‘cause I am TIRED.

Zayn already was (still beside me) asleep and I pulled my blanket over him.

‘Goodnight Zayn, ’ I whispered ‘Sleep tight.’

-Hey Berriesss, how is everyone,  SAWRRYY for not uploading... Kinda busy mehhhhh, But i'll promise to upload more often ( at least... i'll try)


Check out this song; SUCH A CUTIEE!! 

M'kay byeeee x

Quote: live your life like there's no tomorrow -

Terrified , a one direction thriller / love storyWhere stories live. Discover now