Chapter three

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My mother looks at me, her eyes questioning what I did to need her to come to the school besides to pick me up.

Mr. Knowles looks from Trix and I to our parents, its really just our moms, both of our dads are at work, "I swear that I called you here for nothing bad your daughters did." he says trying to lighten the mood, my mom sighs and looks at me confused.

"As you both may know your daughters have built quite the fan base on their social media, I think it would be a good idea for them to start online schooling since-"

Mr.Knowles is cut off by Trix's mom, "But this is their senior year Bill, can't they just finish it out?" her tone annoyed, her eyes worried.

" Mrs. Oakley, you must try to understand they would be safer-"

My mom interjects and completely cuts him off,"What do you mean safer? This school is supposed ti be safe!" My mom is more angry than she was before but for a different reason.

I toy with ends of my hair and Trix was running her fingers through hers, we glance at each other but quickly refocus on the raising voices in front of us. Our moms were standing, and Mr.Knowles is cowering in his chair.

"I am only thinking about your daughters." he responds rather calmly.

My mom huffs and starts to walk out, as she walks by me she grabs my arm and drags me out with her, Trix's mom is still yelling at Mr.Knowles, and Trix is sitting screwing around on her phone.

We reach the car, my mom lets go of my arm, leaving behind red marks, that I would have to cover with makeup for my video tonight.

I open the door to my moms black Subaru and climb in, throwing my school bag into the back seat.

My mom shoves her hands into her hair and sighs, I sit in the passenger seat nervously playing with my hair,"Do you want to do school online?"

I'm shocked she's even asking,"if I can still be included in the yearbook and do the normal stuff but do the actual learning from home then I guess."

She turns to look at me before moving the car,"You do realize you are famous right?"

I never thought of it like that.

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