Chapter four

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You do realize you are famous right?

The words ring in my ears, famous, something I thought I would never be. All the offers, all the comments, all the likes I thought of them as just people online, not real life people who want to meet me.

"No, I did not." I sigh, buckling my seat belt,"Can we go home now?"

My mom turns the wheel and we leave the school,"We might have to look into it Kaylen..." she pauses but nothing else comes out.

Leave my friends? Leave for a tour, at least that's what the emails said, I could tour with Eva and Amanda. Leave school? It sounds like fun but I'd leave everything I know behind.

"Kaylen, sleep on it. We'll talk more tomorrow." Mom parks the car in our drive way and heads for the front door.

I sit in the car still shocked from the conversation minutes before.

Famous, I am famous. One point two million fans. Oh my god.

I pull my phone out and tapped on Twitter. I quickly start to type a new post.

"Guys am I famous to you?" is what it read.

I quickly received replys saying that I was, and the occasional hate comments of how I was looking for attention.

There's a knock on the car window, I look up, its my mom with a plate of cookies. Chocolate chip, my favorite. I sigh and climb out of the car taking the cookies and going inside and directly up to my room.

Opening the white door I smell the scent of my favorite candle, Lemonade Watermelon. I breathe it in and smile, my camera and laptop are waiting for me to film a new video. Maybe today will just be me talking about what happened today.

I turn on the small camera and sit down and begin talking and reviewing what happened today.

"Where's my princess?" I hear my dad, he then pokes his head into my room seeing that I have my headphones on and that I'm editing my latest video that's supposed to go up on Sunday.

"Editing" I say dryly, pushing one side my headphones off my ear so that I could hear him.

"So are you going to do online school?" he comes in and sits on my bed, making a dip and my papers sliding down to the lower part of the bed.

"I don't know...." I scroll through the music library that youtube offers for videos.

"You seem to have the dough rolling in." my dad laughs lightly, I shoot him a confused glance, "What I mean is you could be making a lot of money but you haven't made the choice to." I'm still confused as to why I'd have the "dough rolling in".

"I'll let you edit your video in peace." he says quietly before slowly walking out of my room.

I'm in love with my room now, it used to be this ugly hot pink and lime green and now it's black and white, easy to add big pops of color and it looks very good in my videos. I finished editing after another hour of adjusting music and I hit upload. The comments started rolling in with video ideas and compliments on my fall outfit ideas and a few constructive criticism comment mixed with insults, I don't mind just means they are jealous.



Hi guys! I hope you are enjoying this so far I've been working hard on it while adjusting to high school along with the sports schedule but the season is ending soon so yay but I'm going to miss my team.

Hey so guys bothering to read this I need you to comment on this, should I start a youtube? I have always wanted to create one and post content people love. Please help me with this, also comment video ideas if you have any I'd love to hear them.

<3 -Jules

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