Everybody's Reaction

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Alexa’s POV

We arrive at the bus stop but I’m waiting for the commotion to die down before I start moving to avoid any drama. I see Jake sitting down as well. Most of the people are off except for a group of basketballers so I decide to start moving.

To my surprise Jake stands up right in front of me startling me and causing me to fall backwards and brace for contact with the ground but in fact one of the basketballers catch me centimetres before the ground.

“Hey beautiful.” He says with a wink

A sound of disgust comes from my mouth. I turn to walk away but he still holds onto me refusing to let go.

I muster some strength and push hard against him but his body is like steel causing me to fall and barge into someone launching them forward and me to the ground.

I hear a yell then a thud. I regather myself and to my horror, see Jake on the ground with a small pool of blood around his head

Chris POV


I can’t believe this, I am currently standing over Jakes prone body where a large crowd is gathering, loud cries are coming from Alexa as she is kneeling over her unconscious boyfriend.

“Sorry Jake come on, get up please, I'm so so sorry!” Everyone is very worried now, not just for Jake but also Alexa.

“Someone call 000 right now.”

Is all I can say right now since I'm still trying to comprehend this.

Several students start typing into their keypads. Teachers are running from everywhere and trying to contain the crowd but no one can seem to remove Alexa from Jake.

Out of concern for Jake, I lift Alexa up and try to pull her away. She is struggling against my grip but eventually tires out and cries into my shirt.

“It’s my entire fault!” She says tearfully

What was?

Casey’s POV

I could be the one to set you free

My ringtone plays vibrating in my pocket causing my whole chair to vibrate.

Seeing the Caller ID I answer

“Hey Lewis”.

“Hey Casey”.

“What’s up?”

“Something has uh happened”,

He sounds very concerned, like how a person would talk to a wounded animal they are about to put out of its misery.

“On the bus this morning Jake um he-he fell and is on his way to the hospital”.

I hang up.

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