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The scene takes place a few weeks after the episode "Beneath the Surface" (4.10) ; the one where SG1 is stuck and detained under a dome of ice working in some kind of factory while their memories have been erased.

Major Carter wasn't on time to cross the gate, she usually always was early ; and Colonel Oneill was worried about those few minutes they've been waiting for her. More worried than he should have.

- What is going on? Sam is always the first one here? asked Daniel, stating the obvious once more.

- Maybe she is human after all?! Joked Oneill trying not to show anyone that the slightliest doubt for the wellbeing of is second in command was crushing is gut.

- Major Carter is nothing else than human ever since Jolinar left her mind. Said Teal'c raising an eyebrow.

Finally, the young woman showed up in the gateroom, her bag on one shoulder, her helmet in one hand... someting was wrong. She stepped up to the Colonnel :

- Sorry Sir, I don't know what happenned...

- Are you alright Major? asked Oneill

- I can assure you everything is ok Sir! she answered

- Well, you didn't seemed all in it those last few days. Said the Colonnel asking himself if the reason Carter was going slow motion was the same as his own sleepless nights.

- Yeah you're all pale ! added Daniel.

- I'm fine! I've been a bit sick, that's true, but I'm completly able to go on a mission! she said, annoyed, putting her helmet on and going towards the gate with a decided look on her face.

Colonel looked at his two other teamates, raised his shoulders and folowed her. 30 seconds later, Teal'c was holding a passed out Major Carter.


In the brief room

- Gentlemen, said Fraiser

- Doc, any news? ask General Hammond

- Major Carter seems not to have fully recovered for SG1's capivity on the ice planet, I recommand a week of rest Sir.

- So only fatigue? Oneill could'nt help but asking

- According to your report Colonel, the meals in that factory weren't very consequent, especially for the Major, answered the doctor, it's certainly the reason of her anemia.

- It's true that your girlfriend wasn't going easy on her! said Oneill with an accusatory look to Daniel

Seing Daniel's scandalized eyes and wanting to cut off the pending argument, Hammond said with is "General" voice :

- Alright, SG1 will take a long overdue week of vacation starting now, dismmiss!


Jack Oneill wasn't against vacation, on the contrary, but he'd rather pick up the date : this time of hard winter wasn't the most adequate to go to his loghouse in Minessota. He would therfore stay in Colorado Spring. But there was no way he was going to leave without checking on Carter. That's why he went straight to her lab after leaving Daniel in the lockers.

- Carter?

No answer, the lab was empty, and surprisingly enought, tidy, as if no experiment was waiting for the scientist.

- Syler? asked Oneill as the Sergent was passing through the hallway, have you seen Carter?

-- I think she left base 15 minutes ago Sir, the officer answered

Carter was complying with Fraiser's mandatory rest! Jack Oneill was begining to seriously doubt the "fatigue" diagnosis... probably his usual paranoia whereas Carter : she surely decided to enjoy the vacation and take the opportunity to visit her brother in Denver.


Second day of leave.

Oneill had already watched 2 seasons of The Simpson's reruns and, while he usually went well with this kind of "farniente", this time he was boiling inside.

So, he decided to go for a drive to calm down and found himself, by accident, in front of Carter's house. Her car was parked in the alley, she wasn't in Denver. The node he's been trying to ignore for 2 days was going tighter in is stomack. The Colonnel parked is Jeep and went to ring the bell.

- Carter, it's me, Oneill, I saw your car, I know you are here!

He finaly heard some noise from inside and soon Sam Carter, dressed in sweat pants and robe was pulling the door ajar, holding and handkerchief to her nose.

-Sir? she asked

- I was in the neighbourhood... he lied looking his shoes, hands in his pockets. Then, hesitatnt, he poured is eyes in hers :

- Are you ok Carter?

- I think I caught the flu, the answered. You should go home before you catch it, she added not taking no for an answer.

- Very well, take care he said leaving.

With a sad look, Carter closed the door. Oneill was growing more and more concerned and disturbed : he could have sworn Carter had spent the best of the last two days crying. And if they were one thing he hated that was seing sadness in the eyes of his second in command.


Third day of leave

Oneill was such in a bad mood he wasn't even feeling up to his favorite vacation activity, safe from fishing in Minessota : the perfect association of couch/beer/Simpsons.

He was doing the disches, mouth closed tight, trying to avoid is anger. He didn't actually realy know why he was angry, nor against whom...

The bell rang, he droped a plate, swore and went to hope the door.

- Carter? he asked, his anger shifting to concern. Aren't you sick in bed?

- I don't have the flu Sir, the answered with an aggravated look on her face.

The node in Oneill stomack was about to explod : something had happened, something that would change everything, she was sick or for some reason he wouldn't like what she was about to tell him.

- Well then, come. he said, giving her space to enter the house and trying to buy some time.

- I's rather stay outside if it's okay with you, she said.

Not good. He could help but thinking

- As you want, he replied with an interrogative glare

- Well, here it is Sir, started Carter with a shaking voice, I'm 6 weeks pregnant.

Jack's heart jumped! She wasn't sick, nothing bad had happened to her, she was just pregnant.

Pregant? He thought looking towards her as she was looking at him waiting for a reaction

Pregnant! 6 weeks pregnant!

And the Colonnel understood : his second in command was pregnant, and HE was the father.

So what do you think so far? Please comment!!!

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