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The scene takes place after the episode Point of no return (season 4 episode 11) (the one where Marthy is seen for the first time).

The more he thought about it, the more he thought someting was wrong. Since they came back from vacation Sam seemed off. Physically better but off.

During the mission she didn't seem like herself either. Granted, they weren't used to operate on earth and he, as well, found it weird to investigate on American soil. Nevertheless, he felt like something was wrong ; so Doctor Daniel Jackson decided it was time to get an update on a certain Major.

-Hi Sam, he said entering the officer's lab.
-Daniel she answered with a smile not matching her distressed look.

He knew she wouldn't bear her soul to him. His colleagues aptitude in constantly hiding their feelings had always unsettled him. Daniel took a sit, Sam not oblivious of his motives.

-Daniel, I.... She began
-Are you OK? Cut the archeologist
-Me? She asked faking surprise, of course why wouldn't I?
-Common Sam, he added, we know each other enough to know when something is wrong!

Carter looked at her feet for a minute visibly gathering her corage and searching her words.
-I'm gonna take some time for myself.
-We were just on vacation!

- I know that, but I need to think about some things

- Can I convince you of an other solution? Maybe if we talk about it...

Sam, resolution in her eyes, hugged him and said :

- Thanks Daniel, but it will be fine.


This time he was sure of it, there was a problem. And it was worst than he thought : Sam was taking a leave for personnal reasons! With no duration limit! Her remplacement was already discussed! He heard about a canadian ; civilian and very irritating.

SG1 without Sam, he didn't dare thinking about it... Jack would know what this was about he had to. Or at least he would knowwhat to do. He was his best shot to stop this desaster.

He found him at the gym practising boxe with Teal'c. The jaffa, hands gloved and up in front of Oneill was enduring without frowning the beating of a visibly very pissed off Colonnel. It wasn't going to be easy.

-Euh...Jack? risked the archeologist.

- What? he yelled relectantly stopping his training.

- I thought we should talk... about Sam's substitute

- Who? roared Oneill

- Following Major Carter's departure for Denver, the Air Force will certainly ask you to welcome a new member within SG1, supplied Teal'c

- Denver? said the Colonnel between his teeth

- Yes said Daniel, Sam implied she would probably asked to be stationned there to be closer to her family. Honestly, I never thought she would leave the program...

Before Daniel finished his sentence, Jack, this time completly furious, was throwing the boxing gloves on the floor and leaving the room without any kind of explanation.

It was worst than he thought. He was suspecting that kind of trouble was pending : he met enough alternative versions of Sam and knew his friends well enough that he didn't need the results of a Zatarc test to guess what was going on between those two.

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