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In the brief room

- Colonel O'neill! said General Hammond. I excused your behavior until now but it is enough. I would expect you to get a grip so you would welcome the newest member of SG1 in the way any superior officer would do and...

-Oh Please General, cut the officer, this guy is mocking us! He should have been here days ago! If he has better things to do, then it's all good with me!

- COLONEL! continues Hammond annoyed, the new composition of SG1 has been validated and you will deal with it!

- No. Simply answered O'neill

Hammond, surprised, stopped for a minute then said :

- If you take it that way, I'm suspending you for the next 3 days, after that, you will tell me if you still wish to lead this team or if I have to replace you as well!

Teal'c raised an eyebrow, he's never seen General Hammond in such a fury. No need to say that O'neill breached a line. The Jaffa could feel Major Carter's departure was as difficult for the General as it was for them. The situation was far form satisfactory but nothing seemed to have the potential to make things better.

After O'neill took his leave for the brief room, Daniel Jackson waved his finger as he did each time he seemed to think out load and addressed General Hammond :

- General, can I ask you a question?

Hammond, obviously still furious, nodded and the archaeologist went on :

- Would you agree if Teal'c was to lead the Colonel on, let's say an excursion?

Teal'c would have happily raised another eyebrow.

Seeing the non understanding expression on the General face, Daniel made his famous face saying "trust me you'll understand later" (obviously even if the Tau'ri were using an enormous amount of words those weren't sufficient, at all) before he added :

- Another thing, General, if I'm not mistaken, when military personal brakes protocol under the influence of alien technology they are not to blame for it?

- If it weren't the case, most of the personal on this base would have to pack up and go, me included! said Hammond

- So in that perspective, the consequences of such a protocol breach couldn't be understood as reprehensible and lead to court martial or any kind of punishment I am right? asked Jackson

- Indeed! the President automatically pronounces a grace and orders measures so than any wrongful consequences would be rectified said Hammond

- What if those consequences weren't wrongful? risked Daniel

- Then all the better! exclaimed Hammond

- Would it be possible to have that "all the better" in writing sir? asked Dr Jackson

With those word, General Hammond like Teal'c understood that Daniel had a plan, he stood up and gave his orders :

- Teal'c you will drive Colonel O'neill in an "excursion" meanwhile I you like to see you, Dr Jackson in my office.

Teal'c stood up, nodded closing his eyes whereas the 2 other men walked to the General office. Apparently he was going on an "excursion", whatever than meant.


Teal'c, imperturbable was driving on a misty road.

- Teal'c! Have you lost your mind? asked a voice coming from the back of the car.

- Not at all O'neill, he answered, General Hammond ordered me to accompany you on an excursion.

- What ?! replied a visibly annoyed and head-achy O'neill, and why knocking me off and tie me up at the back of my car?

- You weren't very inclined to follow that order O'neill, explained Teal

- Oh! That's enough! Pull over and untie me; ordered the Colonel.

- That's impossible O'neill : we haven't reach our destination yet, said the Jaffa this time with a light smile.

- What destination? Started O'neill who added : this can't be true, what did Daniel tell you? once he saw a "Denver" sign near the road

- Doctor Jackson reported an unresolved situation between you and Major Carter. According to him, it is the reason of your erratic behavior in the last days, explained Teal'c.


Teal'c, after exchanging a few word with Marc Carter, returned to the Jeep. The colonel was still tied up in the back. He pulled a cell phone from his pocket and dialed :

- Daniel Jackson, he said, it seems that's Major Carter went on a secret mission : apparently she canceled her visit to her brother under the false pretext of fixing a friend's fishing rod.

- In the name of God! cut O'neill, on that season! What is she thinking?

Teal'c raised an eyebrow, obviously a Tau'ri cultural subtlety yet again escaped his comprehension. Colonel O'neill tried to reach the phone just to swore when he realized his hand where still tied together. He muttered between his teeth :

- Put it on speaker, will you.

Teal'c complied and O'neill immediately gave his orders :

- Daniel, book me a flight to Minnesota ; as for you Teal'c untie me right now and drive me to the airport.

- Euh... Jack? intervened Daniel's voice

- What now? he replied

- I suppose you don't have wifi in Minnesota? asks the archaeologist

- It's a fishing cabin Daniel! he spat

- All right, the do me a favor and consult your emails before flying, added Daniel, the President send through a new memo and..

- If it can make you happy, said O'neill ending the conversation

Teal'c doubting the President was writing himself the memos nor addressing them personally once again raised an eyebrow. The last few days had definitively been strange.

A few minutes later, he was turning the Jeep over and taking the direction of the airport.


A/N : here is the chapter seen by Teal'c. 2 more to go. Next one will be Sam as you figured. I'm just finishing one of my other project which should give me time to update more frequently.  Of course, comments will make me go faster!

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