Chapter 2

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*David's P.O.V.*
I walked to my car, thinking about everything that had happened today. I had accidentally grabbed Ian's 'gooch,' and I felt pretty bad about it. I wanted to show him that we were chill by inviting him over for some games. But I'd actually hoped to convince myself that I was straight. Only a month ago, I had realized I'd started falling for him.

He had walked over from the Smosh house, after recently shooting a video where fake snow was required. I hadn't actually taken the time to figure out what was going on or even why they needed it for their videos, I just couldn't help staring at the way the snow mocked real snow. It fell in his hair perfectly, the bowl a little messy, but mostly swept to the left. His ice blue eyes complemented the snow in his hair, and the painted on pink on his nose and checks were just breath taking. I honestly was enjoying myself thinking about it to much as I didn't realized Ian walked over to me. He explained that it was for a Smosh video, and that this scene they were required to do had them pretend they were in the arctic. I honestly didn't care what the reason was, I was too busy getting lost in his eyes. He must have waved his hands in my face, because I snapped out of it, him asking if I was okay. I responded with yes, but I could tell that he knew something was up. He never bothered to ask me though, which I found odd, seeing that he knows me so well as to ask me when I'm not acting right. But it didn't matter to me, I had just realized how in love I was with my best friend.

I've kept it a secret for a long time, but I couldn't hold it in anymore. I hated the fact that I considered myself gay, the only reason that kept me back from telling Ian. I didn't want to be seen as the soft type. I just wanted to prove to myself that I don't have any more feelings for him. And if that wasn't enough, I also had a date the following week with a girl.

I had been driving up to my apartment building, and I saw Ian had just recently parked and got out. I met up with him in front of the building, and walked up to my apartment. I opened the door, reveling a wide variety of messes everywhere. Dishes all over the tables, clothing not even anywhere nears close to the washer, and dust lined the bookshelf cases. I completely forgot about all of this.

"Oh shit man, sorry about all of this mess. Give me a minute, I'll clean it up so you got something more interesting to look at besides my boxers. Unless you would rather look at that."
He smiled, replying with "Can I help? It would be faster for you."
"You don't have to-"
"But I want to."
"If you say so."
I dropped my bag on the ground, and started on the laundry. I threw it in a pile in my room, and I came back into the kitchen to see Ian washing the dishes.
"So you're my cleaning bitch, am I right?"
"I'm nobody's bitch unless I'm in bed."
He laughed. See David, nothing could ever say that he likes you. Just simple iancorn jokes. It was stupid that you even thought about liking him. Ian finished up with the dishes, and I started to put them away.

"Thanks man. Now why don't we actually start doing what we wanted to do in the first place." I held out my arm, hand placed on my hip, offering him the lock his arm around mine. "Shall we?" He smiled, wrapping his arm around mine, and started to skip off to the living room.
"So what games do you have?"
I opened up a drawer, showing multiple games, organized from my personal favorites to games I bought because everyone but me has played them.

"So you can keep your game drawer neat but not your house?" He laughed. I punched him in the shoulder, and he began to hold his shoulder like it was painful. "Hurting guests? I should just call the ambulance to take me away and fix my forever broken arm." In response, I laughed, and he dropped his hand and started scanning the games. He picked up one game, asking if we could play it. He had picked up a single player game, which I gave him a confused look.

"Assassins creed? But that's just a single player game."
"I'm all gamed out from today. I'm just going to watch." He said, flopping himself on the couch. I grabbed the game and put it in, and started playing.

"Kill that gator! No wait, better yet, get the gator to kill someone!"
I started to do as he asked, as I noticed him becoming more antsy. I looked over at him, and he gave me a look.
"Wished you would have played?"
He rolled his eyes, knowing that I'm correct. He quickly looked back at the screen, and grabbed my shoulder. A sudden wave of excitement rushed through me as he pointed towards the screen. Get a hold of your self! You have a date next week and shouldn't have mixed feelings then. Ian had started shaking me then, and I looked at him.

"David! If you don't move now that gator will kill you!" I quickly turned my head to the screen, reveling that there was I was going to be killed. I moved my character in the wrong direction, remembering that Ian had wanted me to get eaten by that gator. The gator ate me, and a scream from the game was heard.

"What did you do that for?"
I looked at him. "That's what you wanted me to do-"
He then pulled me into a hug. "I don't want you to get hurt." He muttered this closely to my ear. I felt a smile form on my face, as my checks started to redden. I pulled away, and luckily it was dark enough so my blush could not be seen. A confused look appeared on his face, before finally saying, "Look at the time. I should probably be heading out. Thanks for inviting me over man. See you tomorrow."
"Hey, thanks for showing up. I got a quick question for you."
He turned to face me. "Yeah, what is it?"
"I have a date next week. I was just wondering if you would, help me get prepared for it." I saw his face break into confusion. "See the thing is, I haven't had a date since, well, senior year of high school."

He nodded, before saying, "Sure, I'll be over to help. And hopefully I'll get to meet this lucky lady." He had seemed to punch the last words. He then turned around and walked to the door, before signaling me that he was leaving. I waved good bye as he closed the door. I turned off the game, and walked to my room.

I crawled under the covers and started to think. Was he... Jealous? I shook my head. Don't be ridiculous. You're still looking for every excuse possible not to go on this date. I knew it was true, I still had feelings for Ian, but I was determined to forget about them, and focus on the girl I was seeing in a week. This is going to be an amazing date.

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