2 days till the Comet

728 8 1

28th February 2015 - HOLLY

I woke up in a cold sweat, shivering and taking big gulps of air. Ernesto opened one eye and pulled me to him.

"My chi-chi, what's wrong?"

He cupped my face in his hands and lifted it to his. I stared into his hazel eyes, his curly hair all ruffled.

"I - I had a bad dream."

He frowned, turning onto his back so I could lay my head on his chest. I snuggled in close.

"You know they're not real, you're safe. With me."

At those words I looked up at him. At the face I knew I could trust and love. I kissed him. Hard.

I woke at the sound of his voice.

"Come on sweetheart, we've got to get ready if we're going to stay ahead of Kylie."

I pushed myself up onto my elbows, and Ern helped me get into a sitting position, my toes disappearing behind my huge belly.

"Not long now," he grinned. He helped me change, putting on my distinctive red coat and hat.

"I need to know where you are at all times," he joked.

We walked downstairs to find the rest of the gang enjoying breakfast. The younger kids at the table, the older, more trustworthy on the expensive looking sofas.

Sadiq was acting the chef, juggling toast with frying eggs.

"I found some in the fridge!" He grinned. Ernesto grabbed me some food while Kim and Selena found space for me. This was what a proper family felt like. Even Reece was part of it.

Half and hour later and we were on the road, me lying on a makeshift bed of sofa cushions and blankets, Ernesto crouched protectively beside me. We were on the way to the coast, the place where the seventh sensitive was. I relaxed, and soon drifted off into a dreamless sleep...

"Holly. Holly can you hear me?"

I recognised it as Kim's voice but it was distant, faded.

"Sweetheart?" Ernesto shook my shoulders, but I could barely feel it. I felt disconnected, the voices moving further and further away...

I suddenly came back to my body, jolting. Shrinking away from the blurry sea of faces surrounding me.

"It's okay." Ernesto face swam into view. That's when I felt it. The sharp, agonising pain in my belly.

"Ow!" I whimpered, clutching my belly, my eyes brimming with tears.

"It's almost time Holly" Kim encouraged. "As soon as we get there we'll find you a bed."

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