The Comet Hour

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"So... I guess we're stuck here." Sighed Ernesto.

"It's not my fault," I sulked. "How was I supposed to know the evil teen queen would lock me out here with you lot." I couldn't believe it. After everything I'd done for her she's cast me aside.

"Hey!" Sadiq shoved me. "Us lot are supposed to be your allies!" Suddenly, the hatch opened and Kylie walked out, with two guards. She looked at Ernesto, 

"Is it true? Your daughter's the seventh sensitive?" She spoke sharply, with no emotion.

"Yes! He pleaded, his face a mix of sadness and anger. "Please Kylie, she just an innocent baby, show some heart!"

"She's collateral damage, she replied, her voice edged in guilt.

No! Ernesto cried, lunging forward, fists drawn, but Sadiq's pulled him back.

"That's not going to get us anywhere. She's cold hearted Ern, nothing will faze her."

Kylie rushed back inside, the coward, but forgot one vital thing. The door. "Oi, Sadiq, the door's been left open! I whispered. We took a couple of minutes to organise ourselves, and with a bang we stormed the lighthouse, eliminating the guards before Kylie had a chance to turn around. Frankie got to work with the Neuroscrambler, pulling random wires out until she ran out of patience and kicked the whole thing over.

"No!" Kylie screamed, but she was soon quiet when I pointed the squeaker at her. "You're coming with us." I growled. Wow that felt good!



I was cuddling Kimmy upstairs when Reece came rushing into the room. "We need to take Kimmy now, we've got 5 minutes till the comet. I immediately backed away, bumping into the furthest wall, startling myself.

"No! I don't trust you!" I have never trusted her, so how could I trust her with my day old baby! There was a sound of footsteps and Ern appeared behind Reese.

"Holly...Sweetheart, we need Kimmy now." He walked forward slowly, cautiously with his arms out.

"No!" I sobbed turning my back to him, hiding her.

"We need to go now!" Worried Reece.

"I'm sorry," Ern whispered. And with that he spun me around, roughly snatching our daughter from my arms. He took off down the stairs, Reece hot on his heels.

"No! No! I screamed racing after them "My baby!" The door slammed in my face, slowing me down. Reece and her powers, I was going to get her someday. I sobbed hysterically, banging on the door with my fists, before turning round and sliding to the floor. Was my baby going to be ok? I couldn't think straight. Stupid pregnancy hormones.


I felt awful for snatching Kimmy away from Holly, but I had to. We were so close to the comet's arrival, and we couldn't risk being late. I carried Kimmy to the Circle of Perpetual Time and carefully laid her down in the centre, by Reece and Aris's feet.

"2 minutes to the comet!" Reece cried.


I focused my mind and locked onto the Sensinet. "Lucy?" I spoke clearly in my mind. "Orion? Jason? Yanx?" Within a few seconds we were all there, apart from one, Kimmy, the baby. I broke off. "Kimmy's not linked!" I shouted, "We're still one short!"

"Wait a second ," Aris said. "I had the power in my hands and then it was taken away. The old man's the beacon. He makes Kimmy powerful!

You're right I cried, elated. We shouldn't be standing at the circle of Perpetual Time, we should be standing where the old man is!

"But where is he?" Said Ernesto. Everybody looked around.

"There!" Kim pointed towards the top of the lighthouse.

"30 seconds!" I reminded everyone, we weren't going to make it!

We ran like the wind, to the top and handed Kimmy to the old man. I turned round and connected to the Sensinet. Everybody was there, Orion, Lucy, Yanx, Jason, Aris, Kimmy and I. The seven sensitives. 

Altogether, we shouted to the top of our lungs,



I felt my energy drain from my body, as a huge wormhole opened up in the sky, crackling with power.

This was it. The teen parents could go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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