Chapter 1 - The Hospital

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Rebecca P.O.V.

I only see darkness, nothing else. But I do hear beeping, and a voice or two. I suspect I'm in the hospital, but...why? I never did anything bad enough to put me in here, I remember doing nothing before this. I just went to bed and now I am in a hospital. Hmm, maybe my house was on fire...I don't know, I don't feel any burns or pain, so why am I in a hospital, it just doesn't make sense. I hear a voice that says,

"Who is she FullMetal?"

I know that voice, maybe its from a TV in here or something. I would rather keep my eyes shut then open, just in case. The other voice answered from the other side of my bed, which probably means its not from the TV, the voice said,

"I just found her in an alleyway knocked out, I don know her."

Now this is very, very, weird, because, I know them from a TV show, and I can tell its real. That is exactly why I wont open my eyes, cause I don't want to see them see me, because its just weird to meet a TV character that's from a fictional show. I can hear them starting to leave, I then open my eyes to see that I am in a hospital...with no left hand!! How could I have not noticed this earlier, they did leave, which is a relief. The guy who said 'Who is she FullMetal?' is Roy Mustang, the colonel of the state, but is not the Furer, and the Furer is the president of the area. The other voice was Edward Elric, the FullMetal Alchemist, they call him FullMetal because he has a metal leg and arm, which is called auto-mail. There is another person that I think was in the room when Edward and Roy where, which he would be Alphonse Elric, Edwards little brother. Alphonse has a nickname, so does Edward. Al and Ed, people call them those nicknames for short. Ed is called FullMetal by Roy. Al is basically a hollow suit of armor by Alchemy. Alchemy is a whole different story, which I would tell you later, for now, back to the story. I see that my left hand already got replaced by auto-mail, nothing else seems to be missing from my body. Roy then walks into the room, followed by Ed and Al. I blink. I wonder what they want with me. Roy asks,

"Who are you?"

and of course he is asking questions to a person he has never seen before. I will just answer with a simple, simple thing, I am Rebecca.

"I am Rebecca and who are you?"

I would have to ask that question so they know I don't know them. He responds,

"I am Colonel Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist, now may I know your last name, or where you are from?"

Maybe I could say I came from far away.

"I am from far away, I guess..."

Not really how I pictured it coming out, but it went out of what I wanted to say. Roy and Ed looked at me suspiciously, uh oh. Roy asks again,

"May I know your last name?"

I really don't know what to say, because if there is another Rebecca in this show, that I would never know because she would possibly be a side character, they would think I am the Rebecca from this world, but I actually am not. Ok...that was a bit confusing, but I hope you understood. I would probably have to say I am an orphan, because I just don't want them thinking I am one of the other citizens in town. Even if there is no one called Rebecca, I still don't want to take that risk. I answered,

"I am an orphan, no last name, no parents..."

I look down, to make it more dramatic anyway. I can tell he is thinking, while Ed and Al left to do something, probably a mission. Because State Alchemists get missions from the Furer or Roy Mustang. Hawkye, Roys guard, came in. Hawkye is not an Alchemist, but is the best sniper in the whole show. I would look back up at him, to see him confused, which is a rare emotion to be shown on his face. I wonder why he is confused though...I dont know but Hawkye seemed to have noticed Roys discovery, and now she is confused, so am I now. We are all confused, just plain old confused. Roy asked,

"How could you be here...?"

Now that just made me more confused than ever, because how could he have known me, when I literally just got here. Maybe he is talking about a side character that I never knew or saw in the show before...just maybe. I replied,


He then looked more confused and said,

"You dont remember?"

He then went back to a regular straight face and left, with Hawkye trailing behind. He left so that I could think about what happened. Hmm, I guess I have never met him in person before, so I dont know what he is talking about. I bet my face looks like I'm pooping. But I really am thinking, I swear. Anyway, when I was thinking, Roy and Kawkye came back in, and Roy had a piece of paper, what an improvement. He looked at the paper, then he looked at me. He then handed me the paper, and it said, 'An orphanage burned down. Deaths - Rebecca.' There was a picture of a coffin with me inside holding flowers to my stomach. I turned pale and said,

"That's not me...I swear."

I looked up. I can tell that he doesn't believe me, but he is swerving in between. The date on the paper says that it was 2 months ago, so I guess my 'twin' of this world dies 2 months ago...but how am I here...? I think that once my twin died, I would die too. Maybe I guessed wrong. My skin is not pale any more and Roy got the paper back, then left with Hawkye following, still a bit confused. Ed came in the room with Al, today I guess I am being interrogated. Ed then stared at me straight in my quivering soul. Ed then said,

"Rebecca, Roy wants to meet you at his office." He sighs and continues, 'And he said I have to bring you there."

I nod smiling. I then slowly sit up and first check if I'm wearing clothes, and I am, because I don't want him to see me half naked. I get out of the bed, and right away I trip and fall on Ed, making us both fall with me on top, and by the way, I am taller and heavier than him. I roll off before he can push me off and I stand up, with him getting up next to me. He is mad...uh oh, he then said,


I would just say the truth,

"I tripped, and fell on you..."

He then walked out of the room with Al apologizing to me. I then just walked out of the room with Al behind me. We caught up to Ed and I asked,

"Whats your favorite color?"

He looked confused and said,

"Why would you want to know that?"

I shrugged, I dont really know because I ask that question to people...that may be weird...I dont know. He didn't answer and kept on walking. By the way, it feels like nothing changed in my left hand, its like nothing happened. I then asked another question,

"How long was I in the hospital?"

We are now outside of the hospital and he answers,

"Around 2 months."

Hmm, I think half way through that, my hand healed and they connected auto-mail to it. I must have healed fast, cause when I saw the show, Eds healing took, I think anyway, about a year. I then asked,

"When did I get this auto-mail and who paid for it?"

Because auto-mail costs a lot. He sighed and stopped, then me and Al stopped,

"You got it a month ago, and I paid for it."

He then kept on walking with Al and I following. We made it to Roys office finally, which took forever.

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