Chapter 2

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I walk in when Ed and Al are leaving probably going on a mission. I then sat on the floor, I can see him perfectly because this room is kinda big. He then said,
"Who are you really?"
I guess I could just say I was lying about the orphan thing and make up a last name...ya, ill do that.
"Well...earlier I kinda lied about me being an orphan..."
What should my last name be, its hard making up last names on the spot...hmm, maybe Mizu, it means water in Japanese. Ill stick with that. He said again,
"Who are you really? What is your last name?"
I answered,
"Lets start over. My name is Rebecca Mizu."
I lay flat on the ground, then I start acting like a worm cause its getting boring in here, and I want to be like a worm! I bet he looks super confused at what I'm doing, that actually is my goal, to make him confused. He said,
"Well then Mrs.Mizu, I will give you a room for free for a week at our military hotel. In that time being, you will be asked to do certain things."
He then looked at me for the first time in this conversation, and my goal is now accomplished, he is confused. He said,
"What are you doing?"
I responded with a super weird high pitched sound that will probably confuse him more.
"Let me ask again, What are you doing?"
I finally got up with a smile on my face saying,
"Oh, just being a worm."
He then gave me a key and a small piece of paper, which probably has my room number on it or something. Hmm, I never actually saw where the military hotel is, so I may get lost. I ask,
"Umm, exactly where is the military hotel?"
He thought about it for a moment and told Hawkye something. Then Hawkye told another person, then they left. Hawkye then returned next to Roy's side. He told me to sit down, so I sat on the floor. Don't judge, floors are comfy to me. He said,
"Wait here for now, someone will escort you there."
I would nod and lay on the floor with my eyes shut, I can hear Roy talking with a girl, probably Hawkye. I am slowly drifting to sleep, then someone just stepped on my stomach, I opened my eyes in a jolt sitting up, and said,
"What was that for?!"
I looked to where the foot lead, and I glared at him like no other, it was the most deadliest glare Ive ever used. The person that stepped on me was Ed. I pushed his foot off and stood up. He responded,
"You where sleeping, so I woke you."
I started walking out the door with Ed and Al following. I then let them go ahead so I can follow them. I guess it isn't that far because we are already at the Military Hotel. I look on the paper that Roy gave me and it says 'A15'. I keep looking at the doors to see if I'm close to my room or not, and my room just ends up to be at the end of the first floor, which will take forever to get to, but I get the key out and open the door and it seems like someone bought me clothes and food. Ed and Al are already gone doing something, but I guess I can look around of what I got here. It seems that I have the usual that's in a hotel, Bedroom, Bathroom, Living Room thing, and a Kitchen. In the bedroom on the dresser, there are lots of papers that says what I'm doing each day of the week, that was quick making up what I'm supposed to do. There is also a $100 dollar bill, probably for me to buy stuff I need, even though they already bought me stuff.
Oh well. I sat on my bed, that isn't that comfy, it looks comfy, but its really not. I stood up and plopped on the floor with a thud, and I'm glad there is no basement i this, because I would have scared the person that would be working under me. I am now crawling on the floor like a worm again, ah, the comfort of the floor again. I hear talking in the room next door of mine, I place my head against the wall, and I hear Ed and Al. Of course, I had to get the room next to theirs. Yes, they do share a room together. Al can't sleep in the armor he is bound to, so he is lonely at night. He probably hears Ed snore, poor Al. In the show it shows him reading books in the night. Just poor, poor Al. Maybe I should hang with him once we become closer friends. Anyway, they seem to be talking about me.....hmm, now its starting to get interesting.
Ed: "Roy said we are responsible for her, now even more work."
Al: "Don't worry brother, it won't be that bad."
Ed: He sighs.
Well, it wasn't that interesting, but it was about an interesting topic. See what I did there, anyway, I stood up and grabbed the money on my dresser. I then walked outside of my room and ended up tripping on nothing, and it happens that Ed was in my path of falling. So you could guess what happened next, if not I'll tell you. I fell on Ed, again. He said,
"Why again?!"
Then I get off of him and stood up, then he stood up, I said,
"Umm, I tripped...again, and landed on you...again. Are you hurt?"
He sighed and responded,
"Ya, and don't do it again."
He then kept walking with Al following behind quietly. Hmm, he's too quiet, I thought he was going to apologize for Ed. Oh well, I kept on walking on to the front door of the Military Hotel, which takes forever to get to from my room.

I got there, now to go shopping for the stuff I need. As in maybe clothes I actually like, because they bought me a jacket, which is black, and jeans, and regular T-shirts, which I hate jeans. I may wear the shirts and jacket, who knows. So I got to the shopping area, which is super, super busy, with people everywhere, but i guided through the crowd to a clothes store. Which to me, I think its lucky to get out of that crowd alive. Anyway, I looked through the store to find skinny jeans, jeans, yoga pants, and shorts. Out of all the pants section, that's all they had. I sighed, I guess I'll get the shorts. I buy a couple pairs of shorts, that are long on me, so they go down to my knees, or a little past my knees. They are just black color, a little silky. So they are cheap when I bought them. Since I have a lot of money left, I could by food. So I go outside of the store and into the madness of people. I then trip AGAIN, but this time it was a foot , not nothing,...uh oh. I sigh and get off the person I landed on, for the 3rd time today, Ed, ...AHH! He is going to kill me!! He said to never do it again, and I end up doing it again 20 minutes later! Why feet, why!!! I said,
"Umm, hi Ed...sorry I fell on you...again..."
He now probably will go on a rant...maybe. He said,
He then started to try to tackle me, but I'm glad Al was there to stop him. Al kept Ed back, while I lip said 'Thank You', and I got out of their sight before Ed got free. Now that was a scary experience, and a new experience. Well, now I'm lost, but I still wanted food that I like, so I'll just turn back around and get food, then head straight back to the hotel. I walked back to the shopping area to see Ed and Al gone, good, I plan on not seeing Ed for a while. So, I got back to the clothes store, now to head to head out to find the food market. Hmm, took forever and a couple people to ask where it is, but I finally got there. But, there are just as many people or more from back by the clothes store. I think the people are following me, who knows. Anyway, I got to the food section I want, which would be bananas and fruits, like strawberries, peaches, and the frozen foods are in this area too. And I'm bad at cooking, so just fruit and easy, easy, stuff to make, like super easy, that you don't even have to move your feet over 10 steps easy. So I bought fruit, some veggies, and meat that I will attempt to cook, unless the stuff they already bought for me is cooked, hmm, oh well. I already bought it, which wasn't as pricey. I should hurry to my room before I see Ed again, I just don't want to talk to him before he cools off. I walk to the hotel and run down the hallway to my room, and it took a little slower with the groceries in my hands. I find my necklace I am wearing, which has my room key on it, because I don't want to lose it and get Roy mad. So I take the necklace off and put the key in the hole, to find it not working...what?! How could it not work, nothing happened to it...maybe it broke when I fell on Ed. The door starts to open, uh oh. You see, I'm not the one opening it. i look at the room number on the door, it says A14, oh no. Its Eds and Al's room, oh please let it be Al who opens the door. It opens and I see...Ed, and he doesn't look mad. I say,
"Woops...wrong door, heh..."
I walk to my door and put the key in the key hole. But before I can open it Ed said,
"Well, your lucky Al was with me earlier, or else your feet would have been stuck to your head."|
He glared a little bit and closed the door with him inside his room again. I finally got the chance to open my door and go in. I put the food stuff on the kitchen counter and put away the shorts I bought. then I put away the food items I bought. It looks like that Roy got me meats, and water. Well good for me that I like water. Ya...I don't like soda, at all. I now looked at the paper for tomorrow , and it says to meet Roy in his office at 3 P.M., it says that on every day, but it doesn't say what time I am going to come back, so i should sleep in just in case. So I take a shower, then put on shorts and a T-Shirt. Then brushed my teeth and set an alarm for 11 AM. i went to sleep on the floor cause its more comfy.
I wake up and change into different clothes and put on the jacket they bought me, which looks like Eds but shorter and is black everywhere. I think they suspect I like black, and their right. It does not have a mark on the back of it, but I still like it. I then go outside my room into the hallway, which is more busy then I've ever seen. But people quickly got to their jobs and left the hallway. Ed I bet already left. I did wake up from my alarm and shut it off, but now I don't know what to do for until I have to go to Roy's office at 3. So, I guess i'll just wait outside of his office for 4 hours, and that I know will be boring, so that idea is poop. I start to head out, not knowing what I will do.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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