"The tale of misguided Vampire Hunters" Part 3

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Clarke Pov
Clarke's head instinctively snapped to the side at the sound of the arrow speeding through the air. Instead of hitting her head, like Clarke had first thought, the arrow had landed directly in her shoulder. The vervain coating the iron arrowhead inched its way through Clarke's blood stream, it felt like having liquid fire poured through your veins.
Clarke hissed at a frequency too high for humans to hear at the pain that was slowly crawling through her blood. She threw the hunter, whom she still had pinned to damp brick wall of alleyway, on to the concrete floor.
"You fucking hunter, you think that an arrow is going to stop me?" Clarke questioned as she crept towards the hunter who had gotten up from the damp ground. Thunder echoed above them setting the mood while also foreboding a storm.
The girl smirked "Well, the vervain is sure as hell going to slow you down, Lincoln why didn't you join us"
A tall, muscular stranger jumped down from one of the balconies above them.
"So that's Lincoln" Clarke thought as the slightly older man threw a sword to the other threat that smelt of vervain. All the vervain in the air was making Clarke dizzy.
"Fuck this and fuck vervain, I am going to tear that little bitch to shreds." Clarke snarled and crouched in to a low stance. The female hunter leaped into action with the vervain coated blade, swinging it upwards aiming at Clarke's face. Clarke reacted quickly, striking the hunter's neck hard enough that she heard a crack.
The hunter dodged as Clarke tried catch her like she had earlier. Only this time she had learnt to stay out of her arm's reach. Maybe this girl wasn't as much of an amateur as she had originally thought. A crack of thunder up above announced the presence of rain.

Lexa Pov
Clarke was fast but the vervain was making her slower and easier to catch off guard. Lexa used her sword to swing at the vampire, making her dodge and move backwards. The whole ordeal was like fencing, trying to gain the most ground. She slowly got her to back into the corner of the alleyway, it would make the kill easier for her and a hell of a lot easier to clean up afterwards there.
Just before the game of gaining ground was about to be won, Lexa had slipped. The puddles had quickly built up from the storm and Lexa had the misfortune of slipping on one.
The rough concrete once again greeted Lexa. A snicker sounded from the vampire's mouth as she walked towards Lexa.
"Stop!" Lincoln's voice ring out from the mouth of the alleyway. Lincoln had an arrow pointed at Clarke and had a clear shot straight to the heart.
Clarke smirked "I don't think that's going happen". Lexa watched a stranger's shadow move towards Lincoln at lighting speed. Lexa tried to call out to him but Clarke had gotten Lexa into a headlock, strangling her and making it near impossible to speak.
Another vampire was behind Lincoln, she was a female with dark brown hair and pale ivory skin and the woman whom she had seen Clarke with earlier. She draw out her fangs and leaped onto Lincoln back, sinking them into the dark skin of Lincoln's neck. He cried out for help as the girl pulled her fang's, that now shined with fresh blood, out of his neck. The woman dropped him on the concrete heartlessly as he fainted from severe blood loss.
"Oh dear, it looks like you had a bit of fun without me Clarke" the vampire jokingly whined, the blood around her mouth bright in the dark alleyway. Clarke began to stand up and take Lexa with her, straightening Lexa up and most likely getting ready for a meal.
Lexa started to struggle again. Her heart began to speed up and the thought of her upcoming death was looming in her mind. Clarke only tightened her grasp on Lexa.
"Enough hunter, your fight is over." Clarke hissed in to her ear. Clarke's soft hands guided the hair out of the way of Lexa's neck and in the process, wiped a tear from Lexa's cheek. A broken sob fought its way out of Lexa's throat as she felt fangs dragging across the skin on her neck before greedily penetrating it. It was almost gentle, in a sickening way, how the vampire held her body now as she slumped back onto her. Black spots edged their way into Lexa's vision. She closed her eyes and pictured Costia's face one last time before fading into the darkness.

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