"Let the battles begin!" my father yelled grievously. There were sharp painful sounds of yelling just as the words slipped out of his mouth. The Damari people gushed big waves at us, just as we shot lightning down from up in the clouds. We are the Skyden's, people of the sky. The Damari's are people of the sea. We are fighting over freedom. My father was lord of the sky, the leader of us all. Lord Aakesh. I am his daughter. Kalani, meaning the bright sky. My mother set things right long ago. She was the beautiful goddess of the sky. Her name, is Arundhati, Queen of the night sky and stars. People don't understand anymore. Everything is about them now. Which isn't right. They don't know what it is like to be stuck up in the sky. Long ago, my mother ruled over the sky with my father. The Damari and Skyden people could be free! We could go to the sea, and they could go into the sky. But then, one day my mother got into an accident. Well... that's what my father speaks of. He almost never talks about my mother. He says it was a full white moon, the brightest he'd ever seen. That night, my mother had skidded along the surface of the water, so she could see the beautiful reflection of the moonlight in the sea.
Then, all of a sudden, someone who we don't speak of cast a spell on my mother. He was evil I tell you. A bad spirit. My mother dropped dead and drowned in the waters of the Damari people. The Damari leader, Lord Bahari, immediately took action and brought the beautiful dead woman to my father. He was very saddened at the sight of my lifeless mother, or goddess Arunhati. He wouldn't speak for many days. He didn't even raise the sun for our people. The pitch black night was all we had to comfort us, I remember him saying. He was extremely depressed just at the thought of my mother. That's when the war started. My father's rage over the sky and the sea. He still blames the Damari's to this day for my mother's death, and sometimes, I feel like the chaos just makes him feel revengeful towards our adversaries. My father says that her spirits still lie in us, and we can still have the strength to get through this, even without her presence. She was buried on the moon by the Skydens. Every full moon, we still honor her to this day.
Things are very challenging for me right now. My best friend, Hai, is a Damari. We are not supposed to like the Damari people. They are supposed to be people of hate and hostility. In my eyes, they are not those people. My father just can't understand that. It has been tense between us for that very reason. Fortunately, Hai is the kindest person I've ever met. We both want to cross our limits. Maybe that's why we get along so well. She is one of those people I feel like I have an unbreakable connection with throughout my stressful life. I visit her secretly every night at the surface of the water. It would be foolish to be right in plain sight of the Damari people, so we have a hiding place. We call it headquarters. There is a big black rock arch further in the distance. You can see it if you look very closely out on the horizon. Since Hai is a Damari, she can easily swim under the water while still breathing. I like to watch her move swiftly throughout the depths of the sea with small feet kicking away at the water. However, I fly up above, past the clouds out of sight.
Tonight we plan to meet there and discuss what we feel.

The Sky and the Sea, the Sea and the Sky
FantasyThere once lived people before we even knew it. People who are still a legend. People who created. People who inspired. People who changed the world. One day, something happens that will change the way of these people forever..... May the Skyden's a...