Chapter 2

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"Hey, so Jess. You need a ride home?", Eric asked me with an innocent but excited look on his face. "I can walk home from here but if you want sure, you can meet..." I looked at him about to make a joke but I decided our new founded friendship wasn't ready for that.

After school I met Eric outside in the school parking lot he was talking to Damon who was just watching me and evetually Eric caught that Damon wasn't paying much attention so he pushed Damon down when he was off guard I couldn't help but laugh hysterically even though I didn't know him it was the funniest thing I'd seen all day which isn't much to add to that.
"Hey!!", Eric ran up to me grabbing my books and pulling my backback off. "Uhh, thanks but I think I've got this though." I said nearly tripping over air, I felt Damon's stare on me still but I just chose to ignore it this time and Eric flinched almost dropping my things "Don't look like it, also my friend Damon over there. Be cautious, he's very friendly with the ladies expesially new girls. He's not really a player he just uses girls for things, like sex mostly." Eric said almost quietly like Damon had some superhuman hearing crap like Damon on Vampire Diaries almost. "Hahaha.", I laughed hysterically at the thought but shut my mouth instantly realizing I was with another person so I look to my left and see a confused Eric standing there walking besides me and I just give out an awkward laugh, "Don't worry about it. You'll get used to that...maybe. Some people don't." This only caused him to get more confused. "So which one's your car?", he suddenly stop next to an old ford pick-up truck. "Yeah I know it suck but it gets me from point A to point B..."He looks almost ashamed of his transportation vehicle.

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