kenzie ♡ get to know me

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hi! I'm Kenzie, but the people I'm writing this book with call me Kenny so whatever tickles your pickle✌🏼️
anywho, since Lexi wrote ten facts about herself I guess thats what I'll do

1. I've played soccer for 9 years
2. My favourite colour is teal.
3. I turn 15 in November
4. I lovelovelove fall and winter and idk why everyone hates them
5. I've never eaten Nutella because I'm allergic to it
6. I really want to travel when I'm older
7. 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction make me so so so happy
8. I love getting new clothes but I hate shopping
9. I want to be a photographer when I get older, even though everyone tells me it's impractical😂
10. My best friends are Lexi, Fiza and Des
11. Des is my future hubby tho😉

that was 11 facts but yolo


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