kenzie♡hey fam

21 4 0

so I'm not even sure what day we're all supposed to be updating anymore, but it's currently 12:14am, November 4th. and 15 years ago today I was born, so that's cool.

I don't even like my birthday to be honest, it always sucks and I usually end up crying but whateva.

I guess I'll do what Lexi did and update you on what's been happening in my life

-so I met a guy no he asked me to be his girlfriend and like 3 days of talking so I said no cause we barely knew each other and I wanted to get to know him better, then the next day he said he wasn't ready for a relationship. like wtf?¿

-my best friend got a boyfriend and a new best friend so I feel like I'm slowly being pushed away from her

-I got my first report card of the school year and I was a 74 in math and an 82 in English which is good I guess

-I'm obsessed with lemonade vitamin water. idek, they're just so good and I have at least one a day

-soccer season started so I'm really happy about that cause I haven't played in like 2 months and I've really missed it lol

I can't think of anything else cause my life is actually boring AF

but thanks for reading✌🏼️

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