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There are three people I actually like, although I wouldn't call us friends. Two of them have already passed, but the third is still alive. Maybe I'll pay her a visit before I die.

Before I do that I need to get my fix, that was my first time taking a life and it felt amazing. I see police sirens in the distance, but I'm now four blocks away and still moving. I made sure not to leave much of a trace either so I'm not worried about them, as long as I leave quickly that shouldn't be able to catch me.

I'm hiding in an alley now, there's a homeless man sleeping nearby and nobody around. Looks like I've found victim two. He's old so it shouldn't be too hard, so I take out my knife.

I stab him in the chest, the sound of the blade going in is like a symphony. He was dead before he could wake up, lucky bastard. This one wasn't nearly as fun as the last one but it did the job.

I still remember her address. I knew every detail of her life, but she didn't know anything about me. She was an obsession of mine and I don't want to die before talking to her first. I see her house 50 feet away, standing even this close makes my blood flow twice as fast. I knock on the door, once, twice, three times then hear footsteps inside.

I feel like a jet engine now, nothing else exists. SO CLOSE, CLOSER, CLOSER, CLOSER. The doorknob turns and the door opens, and there she is. SO BEAUTIFUL. It had to be done, I had to paint the floors with her. I take out the knife and stab her in the arm, she falls back and i enter the house closing the door behind me.

My heart never beat faster I thought I'd die just then, so MUCH ENERGY. The knife is still in her arm, too bad I'd have to kill such a perfect being. She started getting up but I wrapped my hands around her neck and started squeezing. I didn't kill her though, not yet. She was just unconscious.

What followed wasn't pretty, at least for most people. It wasn't my original plan, however I was in the moment and the moment can be tricky. I sliced her neck open afterwards, she's too risky to be left alive.  The blood looked astonishing on her white carpet. I couldn't help but cry tears of joy at the artwork I've created.

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