Misheard it Through the Grapevine

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Matt I blame u entirely for this piece of shit thank u for the inspiration bro

Quick humanstuck background: In this AU, the Executioner and Mindfang had been in a marriage forced by their parents. They had four children-Horuss, Aranea, Equius, and Vriska. Their parents died when Vriska and Equius were in elementary school, so the Executioner and Mindfang finally split up. Mindfang married the Summoner, who already had two sons-Rufioh and Tavros. Mindfang and the Executioner still have a good relationship with each other, and their children still treat each other like siblings. The Executioner and the Disciple are also siblings, so the Zahhaks, Serkets, and Leijons are all cousins. The beta trolls and kids are fifteen in this, and the alpha and beta kids are nineteen.

Also if anyone is wondering about ethnicities:

John and Jade-Half-black and half-Indonesian

Rose and Dave-Half-albino and half-black

Aradia-Half-Japanese and half-Latina



Karkat-Half-albino and half-Irish

Nepeta-Half-French and half-Navajo


Terezi-Indian (from India)

Vriska and Equius-Half-Navajo, quarter-white and quarter-Chinese


Eridan-Half-white and half-Polynesian


"Ms. Piexes! Are you paying attention?"

"Ah!" Feferi jerked away from the window, nearly falling out of her seat. The class burst into stifled laughter.

Ms. Nitram-Serket harrumphed, placing her hands on her hips. "I thought so. I know that World Geography can seem boring compared to swimming, but at least try to pay attention. Who knows, maybe you'll learn something new. Now, class, let's look back at the map. Around the time this map was made, pirating was a huge part of the world..."

Feferi frowned and laid her arms on her desk, putting her chin on top of them. Ms. Nitram-Serket was a good teacher, but sometimes she could be rude. Despite being friends with her daughter and sons for years, she didn't treat Feferi or any of her other friends any differently.

Next to her, Jade smirked and quirked her eyebrows. She knew exactly what had distracted Feferi. Feferi stuck her tongue out quickly at her, before turning away, back to the window.

The robotics class was doing a test run of their robots outside. Robots ran up and down the little pathway outside, carefully controlled. The class was cheering as the robots moved, turning corners and making abrupt stuffs.

Feferi wasn't interested in the robots. As much fun as they were to watch, the gears and wires could never make as much sense to her as the world of water did. No, she was interested in one of the people that helped to create the robots.

Sollux Captor pushed his glasses up his nose, wiggling his fingers over the controller. Next to him, Equius Zahhak stood nervously. They were the best robotics team in the entire school. Equius would build the robots, and Sollux would create the codes that made them work. They often designed the robots together.

Sollux was perfect. The way the sun caught his bicolored glasses, how it shone upon his honey blonde hair. How his voice lisped when he spoke, especially when he was angry. When he talked about robots, coding, bees, anything at all in the world, it was heaven to Feferi. Sollux was too good for this world, too pure, almost like a cinnamon roll.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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