Chapter 3

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It was not long until I was waken by a soft shake. I felt my eyes flutter open to a dark room. At first I thought I was just imagining things. You know like when you fall in a dream. I was about to go back to sleep when I heard a soft snore. That's when I noticed Andy's arm draped over me. Over the blanket. I slowly turned over careful not to wake him. I met his tear stained cheeks and my heart immediately plummeted. I could not believe I made him cry. I pulled my self out of his arms. His arms immediately hit the ground. I flinched hoping he wouldn't wake up. It was only twenty minutes till dawn. I left my room leaving the door open. Crow scampered by resting on his fathers side as he slept.

The house was quiet but I could tell by the laughter in the kitchen I was not the only one up. I guess it was now or never. I had to meet the guys if I wanted to feed my starving belly. I tiptoed in the kitchen to the fridge. The guys were facing the other way. Ashley and Jinxx were sitting at the table enjoying some toasted pop tarts. I was slowly pulling open the fridge when it made the pop sound unleashing the seal. Jinxx and Ashley flinched jumping. "Hi, um sorry. I will go." I was nervous I didn't wanna turn around but I had to. I had the milk in my hand.

"You shouldn't drink that." Jinxx said Taking the carton. I looked awkwardly at him in need of explanation,"Its past date by a few weeks, We haven't gone to the store. Would you like some coffee instead?" He offered.

"That would be lovely thank you." I blushed forcing my face down.

"You know Andy seemed worried about you for some reason." Ashley joined in on the conversation as I took a seat at the table.

"Yeah er... I know." I blushed hard,"He is kinda sleeping on my floor right now." I half smiled.

"Really?" Jinxx and Ashley asked in unison. I nod as Jinxx set the coffee on the coaster in front of me.

"I don't think we have met properly. I am Haley you must be Jinxx" I smiled extending my hand towards him and he shook it ,"And you must be Mister Purdy Porn." I smiled and shook his hand too. I wasn't gonna hug any one just yet. Though Ashley had obviously been displeased with the hand shake and pulled me into a hug.

"Welcome to the family Haley." He smiled. I half smiled back taking a sip of my coffee.

"You drink your coffee black too?" Jinxx asked looking at me oddly. I nod to be honest it was the only way I ever had my coffee. The way mom and dad drank theirs.

" I am gonna watch Tv feel free to join me." I said standing up and walking out of the room. The couches, I was all to familiar with them when I was younger. Batman was on and of course I was going to watch it, He is my favorite "Super" hero. If you call an egotistical man a hero. I settled down in my seat and began watching Batman, well until C.C woke up bringing the rest of the house with him. I quickly made a dash for my room before they came to the living room. I was not one fore so many people. I was about to go into my room when I smacked into Andy. I quickly found myself on my ass. My ears met with the glorious chuckle that was Andy's.

"Good morning gorgeous, where you of to?" He asked noticing my rush.... Wait did he just call me gorgeous again? My heart mealted. I didn't want to tell him I was avoiding him.

"Just trying to get a shower before you pigs hog up all the hot water." I said snorting like a pig and blushing.

"Oh, really there is not a shower in your room." Andy laughed pulling me up to my feet and holding me against him.

"Well there are five men in this house. I think I should grab some clothes. I can't streak across the house to my room after the shower." I said pushing my self off of him. My hands were still in his. I was blushing hard.

"My cheeks were burning but it didn't help with what Andy said next," I am sure me and the guys wouldn't mind." He said winking. I pushed passed him and ran to the bathroom.

"We will talk later." I shouted dashing into the empty bathroom. I was alone and I was going to get cleaned. I hadn't showered in three days and I was sure I smelled like hogs ass.

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