Chapter 2

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       God, what's that loud buzzing. My head was screaming as my eyes slowly fluttered open to the unfamiliar room. The white walls drowning in the sun that came through the window. I slowly sat up knowing if I sat up to fast my head would groan more.I Quickly turn my head to allow my neck to pop. I was sore. I felt like I had been lying stiff for days. As soon as the buzzing was gone I couldn't help but notice a small snore beside me. I slowly turned my head knowing that I was no longer alone in the room. Well, more so that I hadn't been alone in the room to begin with. I turned my head again to meet the sleeping body of non other than Andy. My eyes wide and my face full of color, It hadn't been a dream.

I couldn't refrain from the urge that I had to touch him. I felt my arm extend slowly barley making contact with his frail skin. My hand slowly caressing his broad chin. He moved, I quickly pulled my hand back and laid down again. I slowly started to sit up so he wouldn't notice that I was the one who woke him. "Where am I?" The words choking their way out. I looked over jumping at the sight of Andy.

"Morning gorgeous, I believe you are in a hospital bed." Andy chuckled of course trying to get a giggle out of me. "You know you really scared me and the guys. Well mainly me, I didn't know you were a fan, I mean we didn't know you were there." Andy laughed. He allowed himself to stretch out and let out a loud yawn. I flinched.

"What are you doing here?" I pondered. He doesn't know anything but my name and there he is by my bed side. "I could take care of myself." I huffed looking at him. I attempted a stern look but was immediately lost in the blue orbs of his.

"Well, I can't just leave a beautiful girl lying there with Ashley walking around." He Laughed. Wait, did he just call me beautiful? My heart melted he just called me beautiful.

"Don't call me that, it's not nice to play with a huge fans' heart." I scoffed and looked away. I couldn't believe I said that to my sexy savior, I mean his slender figure that was toned to perfection and obviously begging for me to rip the clothes off it call me beautiful. I couldn't resist but to turn around and look at him again.

"I wouldn't say it, if I didn't mean it." He looked at me sternly before standing up. "I need to tell the doctors your awake. Stay here." He retorted as he walked towards the door.

" I wouldn't run away if it means you are coming back here!" I yelled and immediately regretted it. I squeaked and forced my face down as my cheeks flushed a vibrant red. Damn you capillaries why are you breaking now. I could feel Andy's smile burning my face. HE wanted me to see but he was gone when I looked up. "God Damn it, Haley what were you think a guy like that could never like a girl like you. I mean look at your fat legs and fat body, you're ugly. He just a tease forget about him. A man as perfect as him could never love you when you are the owner of a scarlet collection." I was yelling at my self and I wasn't going to lighten up on myself because I know its true. I am nothing but imperfections.

"Haley sweety how are you feeling. Your boyfriend just told me you were awake." A doctor walked in smiling, I guess he was trying to make me smile.

"My boyfriend? What are you talking about I don't have a boyfriend." I was confused as the doctor look turned stuned.

He turned towards Andy letting a huff of air out, " I am afraid she has amnesia, you will have to jog her memory. I will allow you to take her home but stay with her. If her condition worsens bring her back here immediately." Andy nodded before walking over to me and helping me collect my things. The doctor left the room in a hurry as his name was called over the loud intercom.

"So, I am your girl friend now?" I rushed words and stared at him awkwardly.

"No, It was the only way I could stay." He frowned

"Andy why did you stay?" The words slipped from my lips. I didn't want to ask he was being nice, I knew that answer. Why did I ask such a dumb question.

Andy took my hand leading me towards the door," Because, I like you." He muttered the words and I could barley hear them. He didn't wanna tell me. He was shy. Instead of asking more dumb questions or even responding to what he said. I walked in silence. I couldn't believe he said what he had. There was no way he meant it. I stayed quiet in the car.

"Good-bye Andy!"I said as we got to my house. I walked through the house and went up the stairs. I felt shudders down my back but I brushed it off. I went to my mom and dad's room. Still blocked off from the guys. I walked into the room collapsing on the floor. I was right in the door way. This was where I found her. This is where it all started. I gave in on holding the tears that were forcing themselves to the brims of my eyes. My make up, two days old stricken down my cheeks. I was done for. I closed their door making it obvious to Andy who had just walked in to leave me alone.

I collapsed again this time, I was digging under the bed. A box, such a beautiful box, the one my mother had stown my razors in. " I am sorry mom." I cried harder. One line, Two lines, Three lines, Four. I was pressing hard more ribbons. Perfect trophies for an imperfect girl. I quickley realized that this was the wrong way to go out. I share a house with the band that saved me so many times. I stopped immediately going for the gauze in the bathroom. I wrapped my wrist. They could save me again if I would let them. I walked out of the room. "I am sorry. I am so sorry." I cried loud before running into my room and slamming the door. I fell against it tears streaming. Red staining my cheeks. "I am sorry. I am sorry I am a waste of air." I whisper before falling asleep in front of my door. I had no energy to keep going. I had hurt not only myself but everyone around me.  

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