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I am a bird

Where can I go?

Beyond the sun

Or down below? //

When I wake 

I haven't yet

Realize it's me

I've never met? //

I have two wings

They say it's true

I'll just use one

What's more to do? //

And there's the sun

They look at me

Keep flying towards

But never reach //

And that's okay

'Cause down below

It's much too dark

For flowers to grow? //

Sometimes the sun

Is much too bright

He peeks at me

Sleeping at night //

My useless wing

It burns me so

They forgot it there

So long ago //

I crow at dawn

Look at the sky

I'm marching on

Sweet lullabies //

Yes I'm a bird

They told me so

And towards the sun

That's where I'll go? []

The Quiet Song:

"Go to that place where the sky meets the land" 

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