Wish Upon A Star Part 1

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       Hey my name in Ashlynn Jade Moore and I am 7 years old. My parents and brother Rickey were in a car accident when they were on the way to pick me up from daycare. I was told that while on the way to get me they were hit from behind by a drunk driver.
        Well anyways my name is Ashlynn and I am in an orphanage and I have been for the last 3 years. I don't really talk to any of the other kids cause they are all really mean. So I really only talk to Mrs. Mary. She is the lady that took care of all of us kids. I just wish someone would adopt me already.
        Today Mrs. Mary said that 4 girls were going to be here to adopt one of us. "Ashlynn" I heard my name being called from down stairs. I walked down the stairs and there was Mrs. Mary. She looked at me and said "The 4 girls will be here soon can you sit here and wait for them please." "Yes I can" I said.
         Mrs. Mary had went to her office, so I sat by the window waiting for these girls to show up. I just really hope they like me even though no one really likes me. As I was in mid thought I saw a limo pull up and 4 very pretty girls got out of the limo. I opened the door for them when they got up to the door.
        One with blonde hair bent down and said, " Hi sweetheart, my name is Perrie. What is your name." I looked down cause I was shy and said, "Ashlynn Jade Moore". Then I heard one of the girls start jumping up and down. I looked up and the girl that was jumping up and down came over and said, "My name is Jade." When she said that it made me smile. I mean it is my middle name but I have never met anyone who had the same name as me.
         I let them in and I went to go get Mrs. Mary. She called the rest of the kids down. When the rest of the kids came down I just kinda sat to the side will they talked to the rest of the kids. I just kept telling myself because I don't think they want to adopt me.
       Perrie pulled Mrs. Mary to the side and asked if they could go to there office. While they left the other three girls stayed with the kids.

Perries POV
       They was only one little kid that I want to adopt and it was the little girl who opened the door for us. She was so shy and sweet. I wanted to ask the lady in charge why she was in the orphanage.
       We got to her office and I said, "Can you tell me what happened to Ashlynn's family." She had a really sad face when I asked this but she said, "Her family was in a car accident when they were on the way to pick her up from daycare one day three years ago. A drunk driver hit them from behind." Awe poor little girl.
     I knew for sure that I was going to adopt her.
      I said, "I would like to adopt Ashlynn." She looked so happy I did not know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Then she said, "I am so happy for Ashlynn. She has been waiting for this for so long and I am glad she will finally have someone to call a mom."
        That made me so happy. I can't believe I was going to be a mom. About a week ago the girls and I were talking about adopting a little girl and we had decided I should be the one to adopt her.
       Mrs. Mary got all of the paperwork ready for me to fill out. I told her I would be right back so I could tell the girls that I had decided to adopt Ashlynn. When I got to the front room I saw Ashlynn in tears.

Ashlynn's POV
       About ten minutes after Perrie left with Mrs. Mary a mean girl named Gracie had come up to me and said, "There is no why they are going to adopt you. You are not very pretty and they are all beautiful. They barely even looked at you." Then she pushed me and I hit my head on the wall. All I could do was start crying. I think Jade saw cause she came running over to make sure I was ok. Jade turned to Gracie to say, "Ashlynn is very beautiful and sweet. Don't you ever talk to her like that again you understand me. Also don't push her cause you could have really hurt her."
        As Jade finishes I see Perrie running over to us. She gets down on her knees and looks at her with tears in her eyes. I just think why does she have tears in hers eyes. The next thing that comes out of her mouth shocks me.  "Baby girl are you ok." All I do is shake my head yes. She then says "OK then it is time to go pack all of your stuff because, I am adopting you." I was so happy that I finally have a mommy.
        Perrie looked at Jade and said "Can you and the girls take Ashlynn to pack all of her things." Jade told her yes and I went upstairs with the other girls while Perrie went back to Mrs. Mary's office.
       We got up to my room to pack. Even though it would not take long to pack everything cause I have 4 shirts and 3 pairs of pants. I got my littlesuit case out and Jade put all my clothes in it. When we were done I looked at Jade and said, "What are their names." She said, "This is Jesi and this is Leigh-Anne." I waved at both of them.
       We decided to go down stairs after we were all done and Perrie was at the bottom of the stairs waiting for us. So I ran up to her and reached for her to pick me up.
     Perrie looked at me and said,"Hey baby girl are you ready to go home." I told her yes. We said our goodbyes and left I am so glad I don't have to see that place ever again.

Thank you for reading. I know it might not be that good.

I will update soon
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