Chapter 1

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A/N: this is my first story.... Anyway, just read..



It's the third Friday of January. Rainbow Dash was walking through the halls of Canterlot Highschool, when she saw a poster of some sort of singing program. Hmm.. I think I'll try it.. I'll go tell my friends about this. Or, maybe they knew this awhile ago. She thought. She then rushed to her friends. Just then, she saw a hint of some blonde hair. There are you guys.. She thought. "Hey AJ!!!" She shouted. Applejack searched for the voice she heard. She spotted a rainbow hair. "Hey, Dash. We were lookin' fer 'ya." He stated, "really? Me too." Which made Pinkie tackle her into a hug. "HELLO DASHIE!!!" She shouted at Rainbow's ear. (A/N: yeah, right there.) "uh... Hi, Pinks.. I.. Uh, can't breathe," just then, Pinkie 
pulled away. Thank Celestia. She thought. "Umm... Rainbow, darling, we were looking for you to know ab--" Rarity was interruped by Rainbow Dash saying,"About the singing program thingy?" "Well, yes, dearie." Rarity said. "Are you going to audition?" Twilight asked. "Uhh... I don't know...?" Dash said, making her reply more of a question. "Well, sugar cube, we are going to." Applejack said.

A/N: HAI!!! This is Claire. Umm.. I'll see if I can do the next chappy todays... So, anyways, good night/afternoon/morning, my Rainbow Marbles.

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